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Unit 5 Amazing things,Reading (1),Learning aims: 1. To understand the meanings of Reading on Page 58. 2. To finish the exercises on Page 5960 correctly.,1. Are there any ghosts in the world?,2. Are you afraid of ghosts?,3. Do you like reading Ghost Story?,ghost,4.Do you believe there is a ghost?,Free talk,Last Sunday, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. Something strange happened there. They told Daniel their story and put the story on his blog.,What happened?,Guide One(3),Listen and answer the following questions. (1).When did Millie and Amy go to the park? One Sunday morning. (2). What did they hear? They heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree. (3). What made the sound? A little cat. (4). Who found the ghost? Andy found it.,Guide Two(8),1. Read and answer the following questions. (1).Why were they afraid? (2).Who told Andy everything? Who helped him find the little cat? (3).Did Amy and Millie go to the park with Andy? (4).Why did the cat make a sound like a whisper? (5).What did they do after they found the little cat?,(1).Why were they afraid? Because they turned around and saw nothing, and nobody replied. (2).Who told Andy everything? Who helped him find the little cat? Millie told Andy everything. Nobody helped him find the little cat. (3).Did Amy and Millie go to the park with Andy? No, they didnt.,(4).Why did the cat make a sound like a whisper? Because it was weak. When it miaowed, it sounded like a whisper. (5).What did they do after they found the little cat? They took the little cat to the animal centre.,Guide Three,Listen and read a second time aloud.Pay attention to your pronounciation.(3),Guide Four,1. Finish Part B1 on Page 59. Find the meaning of each word by circling the correct letter within three minutes.,Words understanding,1. As usual means _. the first time b. as they often do c. Seldom 2.To reply means _. a. To think b. to say something again c.to say or write something as an answer. 3.To leave means_. a. to find out b.to look for c. to go away,b,c,c,4. If you wonder, you _. a. want to know something b. feel great c. say something happily 5.To search means _. a. to find something b. to shout at something c. to look carefully for something,c,b,a,4.If you wonder, you_. a want to know something b. feel great c say something happily 5.To search means_. a to find something b to shout at something c to look carefully for something 6.Weak means _ . a. clever b. small c. not strong,a,c,c,Guide Five,Millie wrote some sentences about what happened, but they are not in the correct order. Help her put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-7 in the boxes within three minutes.,a. We ran away quickly. b. Andy found a little cat in the bushes. c. We sat under a big tree in the park. d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper. e. We turned around but saw nothing. f. Andy went to the park. g. I told Andy about the strange sound.,4,7,1,2,3,6,5,Guide Six,Millie is telling her friend Wendy on the phone about what happened in the park, but Wendy cannot hear her clearly. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. Finish Part B3 on Page 60 within five minutes.,I was afraid when I heard the whisper.,T,Correct Millies sentences: (Page 60),The whisper came from a big tree.,F,the bushes behind the tree.,We went back to the park with Andy.,F,Somebody helped Andy find the “ghost”.,F,Nobody,Andy found a little cat in the bushes.,T,Andy gave the little cat to Amy.,F,animal centre,Guide Seven,1.Read the text for a third time and fill in the blanks within 7 minutes.,Last Sunday, Millie went to _with Amy. As usual, they often sit under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a _ from the _.They looked around but saw _. They were _ and _ _ _ quickly.,Sunshine Park,whisper,nothing,afraid,bushes,left the park,They met _ on their way and told him_. At last, Andy found a _ _ in the _. It was very _. He went to find Amy and Millie. They were _to see the cat. Later that day, they took the cat to the _ _. What an unforgettable day!,bushes,Andy,everything,little cat,weak,surprised,animal centre,2.Finish Part B4 on Page 60 within three minutes. 3. Correct your answers according to the right answers. whisper afraid bushes weak miaowed animal,Guide eight,Try to retell the story,Keywords and phrases: Sunday morning/Sunshine park/sat under/ a whisper/bushes/turn around, nothing/ afraid/ leave/ meet sb/ tell/search/ a little cat/weak/surprised/ / animal centre,Homework,Try to remember all the new words and new phrases 2. Read the story at least 3 times. 3. Do some exercises.,
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