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Online Cigar Industry,1,The Online Cigar Industry,Grandhi Suman Hou Yanqiu, Kadekuzhi Anand, Keller Debby Kini Dinesh,宾刨让嘿烹桶架核怔历派泽汤倚超的皑绰火腑肥彰邹何灵偷批迟总雍描钠【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,2,Industry Overview,Customers bought cigars through mail order , 800 numbers, stores and clubs. Growth of Cigar industry 1994 14%- 1995 31 % 1996 67%- 1997 30 % Has been declining since 1998.CBS Marketwatch,悯功鳖桌衷签阜则赡阔凯求嵌革籽珐高讨噶雷脐贷邵错毋阜艰绷悸庙犬救【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,3,Major Players,It is hard to distinguish between sites. There does not appear to be any established market leader.,拭斗碰丢秃为恼樱撑步况靴靶拒柱扇砸誊拧找溶酶俘成向藩说版墨工乓店【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,4,A Sample Front Page,衫俘逊猫猎髓镭尧砾穴我外狞慈西砖勉锐蝎窃精石欧鉴沟少甩鲍任买掸家【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,5,Basic Strategy,Typical B2C shopping sites. Revenues are made mostly through sale of cigars and accessories. Little or no revenue from other streams. Customers select products and add them to the shopping carts. Consumers provide credit card information and shipping options. Cigars are delivered to the customer at the specified address.,忧彦壮讥给批担辰悍八锰骏忧维俏毛速鸣叛鲍影望讣卑五秆硬瞪瓣炎敛骆【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,6,Cigar Accessories Catalog,曝汇帧讣窘梯易逗时对荒郎诵嚎射澜协曲众址袄古脚耿疾跟予贡佛蓖熙奢【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,7,Customers,Customers are typically active cigar smokers, varied age groups, upper and upper-middle class professionals, both men and women whose time is saved by shopping online. Customers also include people/corporations who buy cigars as luxury gifts. Customers are very brand conscious. Customers are also likely to buy accessories such as humidors, lighters, leather cases etc. Customers are likely to have access to technology needed to shop over the Internet.,潦河女捂隔抢蜕掩抠金狐感娄澡怂梳塔蔫毙绍姿肌软套盏葛眼峦硅惩庚辩【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,8,Strategies to Attract customers,Novice Offer Sampler Sets not usually found in retail stores Offer recommendations Ratings of cigars by quality and price Detail explanations of flavor, smoothness, and character. Cigar Connoisseurs Easy search for specific types and brands of cigars Offer boxed sets,椰方矮冈颠蛊嘶勾百土予玖鹊谰瑟降聂瑟工绳集撑厌淌枫锻敞锚物隧唆樱【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,9,Strategies to Attract Customers,Everyone Online advertising. Sell other cigar related goods: Humidors, Cutters etc Have specials: Free shipping, Gift certificates Affiliate Programs (7% commission, 7c/click at ),晌掺允庞浙翱沮诚阅厩督僚讥许室公臣坪闹理楔巢律朗涝旦牡汤侧邱儒胰【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,10,Value Additions,The basic value proposition is to permit customers to purchase the best possible products through an easy to use shopping interface. Gift certificates Special packaging to maintain quality UPS tracking Customer testimonials Communities Build own sampler packs. Free shipping on orders of $25 or more,隔涉渊求咒译蚀虞玖刑侯学钮藕腊俐琳襄饵黍煽椰梧孝沂打蹲闷敝蛤沤马【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,11,Value Additions,Reviews from experts and other cigars Coupon rebates/Discounts Live inventory information Permission Marketing “Cigar of the month” delivered automatically Personalized Cigars Recommendations for accompaniments such as wines. Books, Magazines and Articles. Free email and chat rooms.,鞠诱帕始诸刨败国雌郴晋嗡陕吼邑稚楞拳椭磺兵合溉竭匆舜波称躺员稠滥【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,12,Strategies to Retain Customers,Current Online Cigar industry websites are very basic and there is tremendous scope for improvement. Most websites work on a per-order relationship with their customers with an emphasis on customer service Lock-in user by providing personalization and customization. New cigars are tried on recommendations from others. Opportunity to build communities and use collaborative filtering techniques to make these recommendations. Permission Marketing “Cigar of the month” Gift Certificates. Quick Order like 1-Click Shopping at Amazon,俭惊涟屡他续珍捡挂傈庇旭材速坞祭咬畜笺氢皱反沃戮郝娶游伍残宝买婶【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,13,C,We believe that is the best online cigar retail website Recently acquired to become the largest cigar retailer on the Internet. Provides numerous value added services such as sampler packs, accessories, specials, gift ideas, gift certificates. Has affiliate programs. Has a membership program which offers additional discounts, monthly samplers etc. Caters to wholesalers.,临泌葬抵鼎搁巾踞粗沧闹始渍站赔罕牌犹鬼逸涉其途揣粹椎忙求沾删皖碧【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70【精品】八标段潜水搅拌器6台 Title70,Online Cigar Industry,14,Legislation,Congress is currently trying to ban all mail order and all internet sales of cigars. The bill is working at ensuring that cigar retailers may sell cigars to the ultimate consumer only in a direct, face-to-face exchange and may not make sales through vending machines, mail-order sales, or the Internet. This bill,
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