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Elegant English优雅英语之一,Crazy English Makes You Crazy; Elegant English Makes You Elegant. - Shi Zhikang,美丽的头韵,美丽的头韵,a fusion of facts and fiction 一种现实与虚构的融合 representation of romance and reality 浪漫和现实的再现 a war of wit and words 才智和语言的交锋,美丽的头韵,什么是头韵? alliteration initial rhyme or head rhyme ad literam常见押头韵的短语 first and foremost 首先 (with) might and main 尽全力地 saints and sinners 圣人与罪人 (in) weal and (or) woe 无论是福是祸,美丽的头韵,头韵在诗歌中 1. John Donne Songs and Sonnets 歌与14行诗 the union of soul and body ,2. William Blake Marriage of Heaven and Hell 天堂与地狱联姻,3. Robert Burns O My Loves Like a Red Red Rose 我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰,美丽的头韵,头韵在诗歌中 4. Edgar Allan Poe lines written, in my passionate boyhood, to the first, purely ideal love of my soul 写作于我激情的儿童时期,献给我灵魂的第一位纯洁而又理想的爱人 。 To Helen Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, oer a perfumed sea, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore,美丽的头韵,头韵在诗歌中 5. Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West Wind西风颂 O Wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumns being 啊,狂野的西风,你是秋日的气息,美丽的头韵,头韵在莎士比亚的作品中 crafty confusion(装糊涂) for the fantasy of fame (为虚名) delight and dole (喜与悲) painted pomp (虚饰的荣华) wonted way(常态) mangled matter(弄糟的事) wild whirling words (疯话),美丽的头韵,简奥斯汀两部小说名 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Sense and Sensibility理智与情感 torn between sense and sensibility ,美丽的头韵,头韵在散文中 1. Francis Bacon Of Envy 论嫉妒 play-pleasure 看白戏式的快乐 sober sort of politique persons 头脑清醒的政客 Of Nobility论贵族 waves and weathers 饱经风霜 Of Seditions And Troubles 论叛乱与动乱 secret swellings of seas 暗涌的海浪,美丽的头韵,头韵在散文中 2. Bertrand Russell自传 a particular, persistent reason 一个特别而又持久的原因 a comparable combination of qualities 各种素质的均衡结合 a deliberate design 特意设计 The Spirit of Solitude孤独的心灵 doomed to a dark destiny 在劫难逃,美丽的头韵,头韵在散文中 2. Bertrand Russell自传 the darkest despair 绝境 paroxysms of pains 一阵一阵的痛苦 a saint and a sage 圣贤之人 a foolish fear 愚蠢的恐惧 merely mundane misfortune 纯粹的世俗不幸 daily pursuit and pleasure 纯粹的世俗不幸 a mixture of public and private events公事和私事兼有,美丽的头韵,头韵在英美报刊中 from Newsweek James Reston the prince of print印刷王子 “Rice Mother” matriarch of Malaysia马来西亚之母 hypertension hype高血压的广告骗局,美丽的头韵,头韵在日常生活中 Far fowls have fair feathers. 远处的鸟羽毛更美丽 A fair face hides a foul heart. 面善心恶 When wine sinks, words swim. 酒后说胡话 A book that is shut is but a block. 一本不打开读的书与木块无异 A book that is shut is a decorative block.,a man of wisdom and wit feather,feet or fin full of vigor and vitality dry and drab,Thank you for your attention !,
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