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a visit to the moon,Reading 2,Do you want to visit the moon?,July 20th 1969,Warming up-Brainstorming (2m),The photo from the moon,Chinas first astronaut-Yang Liwei,Write down the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping.,Reading I-scanning& skimming (2m),3. It became very light.,The gravity became very strong.,2. The gravity disappeared.,His weights changed three times too. Now write them down.,He became very heavy.,He had no weight and could float around like a feather.,He was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.,Task 2. scanning,1. Who do I have a chance to travel to the moon with ? 2. How did we travel to the moon? 3. Whats the writing order in this text? 4. How many times would the force of gravity change on our journey? Which change would be the most powerful?,Li Yan Pin , an astronomer,by spaceship,Three times , the first time,自主学习,Careful reading,Leaving for the moon,自主学习,Please read Para.2 and underline the sentences about the gravity and our weight during the journey?,Careful reading,自主学习,The change of gravity,on the moon,in space,gravity,very light,disappearing,strong,on the earth,合作探究,Careful reading,Walking on the moon,What happened to me when I tried to step forward? Why?,I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.,Because the gravity has changed.,合作探究,Careful reading,Returning to the earth,Because fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.,1.Why was returning to the earth very frightening?,2.How did I feel?,I was very exhausted but very excited too.,合作探究,Discussion,Supposing you were the first Chinese astronaut walking on the moon.,What will you say to the world? (at least 2 sentences),In group of four Spokesman Time limit :2min,合作探究,What is the writing form ?,story B. Travel journal C. essay D. biography,What is the writing order of the text ?,Time order (structure),before,while,after,合作探究,Time order,Before going,While visiting,After visiting,when,where,who,what,how,合作探究,
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