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小学英语写一写(Module 1)学习目标:能够根据习作提示,写出关于一座城市的简单信息。重点:能够把本单元的单词、短语和句型相整合,完成小作文。难点:能够把作文写得有条理,语句运用恰当等。知识梳理:【范文欣赏】ShanghaiThis is Shanghai. Its in the east of China. It is really big. It has got more than twenty million people. This is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Its more than four hundred metres high and its very famous. There are many bridges in Shanghai; the most famous one is Changjiang Bridge. The Shanghai Museum is a large Chinese ancient art museum. The building is very beautiful, and there are millions of antiques. Welcome to Shanghai!【高频词句】词汇:east, west, north, south, more than, million, big, high, famous, beautiful, visit 句型:1. Its in the east/west/north/south of China.2. It has got . people.3. There are . 【写写看】 按要求写出下列短文:描述一座你熟悉的城市。要求不少于40词,内容丰富有条理。 写作指导:1. 写作要领:这篇作文主要介绍一座城市,写作时可以从城市的位置、人口等方面来描写。为了使描述更吸引人,可以介绍一下这座城市中的著名建筑。建议在自然情境中运用“Its .”来描述某个城市的地理位置、用It has got.介绍人口,合理运用there be句型介绍其他信息。2. 知识要点:这篇作文重点练习描述某地的地理位置及相关信息的句型。时态可以运用一般现在时。3. 注意事项:在写此类介绍景点的作文时,应注意写作顺序。一般采用从整体到部分的顺序进行介绍。注意所写信息的准确性。注意there be 句型中be动词的单复数变化应采用就近原则,即取决于紧挨着be动词的名词的单复数。_同步练习:(答题时间:20分钟)你去过北京吗?你了解北京吗?你能运用本课所学句型介绍一下北京这座城市吗?_答案:【范文】BeijingThis is Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north of China. It has got about twenty million people. There are lots of famous buildings in Beijing. The Great Wall is more than twenty thousand kilometres long. Millions of people visit it everyday. The Tian An Men Square is the largest square in the world. The red flags are flying over it. It is flanked by the Great Hall of the People(人民大会堂)and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution(中国革命博物馆). Welcome to Beijing!
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