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,Security for Big Data Systems 如何做好大数据的系统安全,By Steve Mushero May, 2015,Build & Manage Servers Optimize & Manage Servers Manage Cloud Servers,Copyright 2015 ChinaNetCloud,We have lots of data我们有很多数据,We get data from everything数据无处不在,How to protect it ?如何保护数据,How to protect it ? Like Gold !如何像保护黄金那样去保护它,Protecting Gold Safes保护黄金保险箱,Protecting Gold Vaults保护黄金地下保险库,Protecting Gold Banks保护黄金银行,Protecting Gold Forts保护黄金地堡,Those risks were physical这些风险都是物理的,Todays Risks are Digital当今的风险是电子化的,Gold Thieves Arrive by Car with Guns偷黄金的人是持枪驾车,Data Thieves Arrive by Cable偷数据的人是接数据线,From Anywhere从任何地方,By Anyone任何人,Data Risks ?数据风险是什么?,Data Risks ?数据风险是什么?,Types 类型,Risk Types Stolen Data风险类型偷数据,Risk Types Tampered Data风险类型篡改数据,Risk Types Privacy风险类型隐私侵犯,Risk Areas Collecting Data风险类型收集数据,Risk Areas Processing Data风险类型处理数据,Risk Areas Storing Data风险类型存储数据,Risk Paths Outsiders (Hackers)风险路径外部(黑客),Risk Paths Insiders (Employees)风险路径内部(员工),Risk Paths Sys Admin (Privileged Users)风险路径系统管理(特权用户),What to do ?怎么办,Securing Data Difficult & Frustrating安全加固数据 又难又麻烦,How to Secure it ?如何来办,How to Balance Security vs. Usability ?如何平衡数据安全和可用性,Usability 可用性 Features - 特点 Performance - 性能 Convenience - 便捷,Security 安全,Every part should be good要做好每一方面,Every part should be good要做好每一方面,Weakest Link 最薄弱的环节,4 Security Zones4大安全区域,Gathering收集收据,Processing Data处理数据,Storing Data 存储数据,Infrastructure底层设施,4 Security Zones4大安全区域,Gathering收集数据,Processing Data,Storing Data,Infrastructure,Gathering & Ingesting Data收集和摄取数据,Secure gathering 安全收集 Personal Identifying Info (PII) 个人身份信息 Anonymisation 匿名,Data migration/ETL junctions数据迁移ETL结合,Secure Systems 安全加固系统 Process Validation处理验证,4 Security Zones4大安全区域,Gathering,Processing Data处理数据,Storing Data,Infrastructure,Processing Data 处理数据,Processing Data Two parts处理数据2个方面,Processing Data处理数据 Map Reduce匹对 Consolidating巩固 Summarizing汇总 Usually Hadoop,Presentation演示 Website网站 Report报告 Interactive 互动,Securing Hadoop 安全加固Hadoop,Poor Authentication 认证环节薄弱 Users & Services 用户和服务 No privacy 无隐私 No Integrity 不完整 Arbitrary Code Exec 代码执行武断 Exploits Exist 开发一直存在,Weg Code OWASP Resources代码 OWASP 项目资源,Info - 介绍 Guides - 指引 Tools - 工具 ,Code OWASP Top 10代码10大应用程序风险,Key Points要点 A1 Injection A2 Auth & Session Mgmt A3 XSS A7 Function ACLs A8 CSRF A9 Insecure Components,Processing Code App Scanning处理代码APP扫描,Best practice 最佳实践 Find new problems 找到新问题 As you update 更新 Third parties 第三方 New exploits 新的改进,4 Security Zones4大安全区域,Gathering,Processing Data,Storing Data 存储数据,Infrastructure,Storing Data Key Protection Point存储数据重要的保护点,Easy to Steal 容易在以下几个地方被偷窃 From DBMS 数据库管理系统 From Storage 存储系统 Privacy Also an Issue 隐私也是个问题,Storing Data Two Levels存储数据2个层面,DBMS Level 数据库管理系统层面 Oracle, MySQL, etc. Operational Security 运维安全 Users, Config, etc. 用户,配置等 PII Separation / Sharding PII隔离分片 Disk / SAN Level 磁盘SAN层级 Encrypt at Rest 全部加密 Careful configuration 认真的配置,4 Security Zones4大安全区域,Gathering,Processing Data,Storing Data,Infrastructure底层设施,Infrastructure Cloud & Servers底层设施云和物理服务器,Services 服务软件 Servers & OS 服务器和操作系统 Cloud 云 Network 网络,Cloud & Servers Love & Respect Them云和物理服务器需要被关注,Often forgotten 经常被遗忘 Often use defaults 经常采取默认设置 Or random Google search 或用谷歌搜索配置 Source of great danger 风险的发源地,Infrastructure Many Parts & Layers基础设施许多层级,Internet 互联网 Firewalls 防火墙 Web/App Servers 服务器 Database 数据库 OS 操作系统 Servers Cloud 物理服务器云,Firewall & WAF (Web App Firewall)WAF 网页应用防火墙,Protect Networks 保护网络 Protect Application Code 保护应用代码 OWASP basics SQL, XSS,Under Your Application Server & OS应用之下服务器&操作系统,Hardened OS - 加固操作系统 Iptables - 防火墙配置 Run Users - 用户运行 File permissions - 文件许可 Logging - 日志 Scanning (ClamAV) - 扫描 Track activity - 轨迹追踪 Automate - 自动 System Updates - 系统升级,Under Your Application Cloud应用之下云,Best Practices - 最佳实践 Control Access - 控制登录权限 Can delete EVERYTHING 会意外删除一切 Use Cloud Security Features 使用公共云上的安全服务,Audit is also Important审计也很重要,Deep Check to Find Problems 深入检查,发现问题,Tools Infosphere Guardium工具,Summary总结,Security is Critically Important 安全非常重要 Big Data is Vulnerable 大数据很容易被侵入 Hard to Do Well 难以良好驾驭 But more Tools 但,实用工具越来越多 Details & Experts Help 要注重细节,并取得专家帮助!,Thank you!谢谢,Thanks from ChinaNetCloud来自云络的感谢,Pioneers in OaaS Operations as a Service 运维即服务的先锋团队,ChinaNetCloud SalesChinaNetC www.ChinaNetC,Beijing Office: 北京办公室 Lee World Business Building #305 57 Happiness Village Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区幸福村中路57号利世商务楼305室 Beijing, 100027 China,Silicon Valley Office: 硅谷办公室 California Avenue Palo Alto, 94123 USA,Shanghai Headquarters: 上海办公室 X2 Space 1-601, 1238 Xietu Lu Shanghai, 200032 China 斜土路1238号X2空间1号楼601室 T: +86-21-6422-1946 F: +86-21-6422-4911,
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