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(人教PEP)六年级英语下册期末综合复习 1一、 语音。A. 选出画线字母读音不同的选项。( )1. A. balloon B. cartoonC. washroomD. food( )2. A. collectB. computerC. welcomeD. comb( )3. A. eraserB. fantasticC. mustntD. kites ( )4. A. zeroB. realC. ideaD. parent( )5. A. photoB. ofC. fifteenD. friend B. 判断。(每组两个单词画线部分读音相同的画“”,不同的画“”)1. sandwiches clothes( )2. cinema cola( )3. seventh eighth( )4. windy France( )5. many man( )二、 写出下列动词的过去式。am are tell come do go visit fly teach make 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I (call)you yesterday , but you (be not)at home .2. Thats an book . Are you in it ?(in terest)3. My room is (big)than yours .4. Look ! The boys (write)on the blackboard .5. Lisa enjoyed (visit)Peking Mans home .6. Which is (easy), Chinese or English ?7. Zhou Pei is (short)in her class .8. Everyone in our class (like)him .9. He came in and (sit)on the bed .10. How your brother (come)to the factory yesterday morning ?四、 根据句意,用适当的词填空。1. I cant find my key my bike .2. There are two doors the wall .3. The old man likes to foreign music .4. Dont photos here .5. We went Beijing to the Great Wall by train .6. Huangshan is famous its beautiful mountains .7. What going by subway ?五、 首字母填空。1. I think m is easy . I like it .2. David likes basketball very much , so he is a basketball f .3. The two boys want to be football p in the future .4. Peking Man lived a 300000 to 500000 years ago .5. Mary did h with her mother last Sunday .6. They have a class m on Wednesday afternoon .7. Please give them b to me tomorrow .8. There are two g of juice on the table .9. He b me a nice coat yesterday .10. I (get)to school at 7:00 every morning .六、 单项选择。( )1. Which one do you want , a long one or a short one ? . A. Yes , a long oneB. Yes , a short one C. A long one , pleaseD. No , a short one ( )2. Excuse me . Can you tell me the way to No. 1 Middle School ? .A. I dont know . B. Why do you ask me ?C. Im sorry . Im new here .D. Who knows ?( )3. His mother is a . A. Englishs teacher B. English teacher C. teacher of English D. teachers of English ( )4. Is there “ o ” in the word “ blue ” ? No , theres “ u ” in it .A. an , a B. a , an C. an , an D. an , / ( )5. There was English film in cinema . A. a , the B. an , a C. the , a D. an , the ( )6. Is Mary in ? A. Sorry , shes at work .B. How are you ?C. Thats all right .D. How do you do ?( )7. Did you go to school together ? . A. Yes , we do B. Yes , we are C. Yes , we can D. Yes , we did ( )8. How much do you have ? A. books B. pens C. money D. cats ( )9. Your shirts are nice . Thank you . A. much , very B. very , very much C. very , much D. much , very much ( )10. My brother while he his bike and hurt himself . A. fell , was riding B. fell , were riding C. had fallen , rodeD. had fallen , was riding ( )11. I hear you . you speak louder ? A. may , Can B. cant , Can C. must , Can D. will , must ( )12. Must I finish my homework now ? No , you . You finish it tomorrow . A. cant can B. mustnt , must C. couldnt , could D. neednt , may ( )13. The word “ easy ” is than the word “ difficult ” . A. harder B. bigger C. longer D. shorter ( )14. Lucy doesnt have eraser , but Lily has . A. a , it B. an , a C. an , one D. the , that( )15. What time did your school yesterday ? A. begins B. begin C. to begin D. begined ( )16. Alice has more oranges than , but are better than . A. I , mine , hers B. me , my , her C. my , mine , hers D. I , my , she ( )17. My father likes books in the evening . But he books yesterday evening . A. read , reads B. reading , didnt read C. reading , read D. to read , read( )18. She has few friends , she ? A. doesnt B. hasnt C. does D. is( )19. The Greens at the table when I went in . A. sat B. was sitting C. is sitting D. were sitting ( )20. Did she tell you ? A.
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