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六年级英语下册 期末测试试题 班级 姓名 (时间40分钟,总分100分)题号10分12分16分12分15分15分A10分B10分总分得分.单项填空(110=10分)( )1. ,whats this ? Oh, its a kite. A. Look B. Look at C. Listen ( )2. To the teacher, please.A. Look B.Watch C.Listen( )3.Its time for English class. Please your book.A. Look B.open C.see( )4. ! Tom is singing an English song.A.Watch B. Listen C. Listen to ( )5. Whats in it? Lets have a .A. watch B. see C. look( )6. Tom, look those pictures. They are nice.A. at B. to C. in( )7. Lets in TV. Thats great.14、 watch B.see C. Look( )8. Please the window. Its not raining.1. open B. shut C. see( )9.Whats in that box , Mum? Open it and .A.watch B.look C.see( )10. Its late . Lets go .A. school B.home C.cinema.选择正确的译句(26=12分)( )1. May I read your paper, please? A.请让我看看你的包好吗? B.请打开你的包,让我看看好吗? C. 请借阅一下你的报纸好吗?( )2.There are three books, six exercise-books, a pencil-box and two apples in the bag.A.包里有三本书、六本练习簿、一个铅笔盒和两个苹果。B.包里有书、练习本、文具盒、还有两个苹果。C.三本书、六本练习本、一个铅笔盒和两个苹果在书包里。( )3. My desk is heavy.A.我的书桌在这儿。 B.我的书桌很轻。 C. 我的书桌很重。( )4.看着我。A. Look at me . B. Look me, please. C.Look at I.( )5. 请听他讲。A. Listen to he, please. B. Listen to him, please. C. Listen to her, please.( )6.请把伞撑开。A.Please open umbrella. B. Please open the umbrella. C. Please shut the umbrella.用适当的词完成句子,每空一词(116=16分)1、 they like English or Chinese? 2、 Please look the flag on the wall. 3、 We want any milk. We want juice. 4、 Today, we have no lessons. Lets TV.5、 There is a garden our school.6、 There is a spoon the glass.7、 Lets go the library.8、 to me ,please.9、 Its so cold. Please the door and windows.10、 You are thirsty. Please some water.11、 Would you to listen to the music?12、 Whats the box? Open it see.13、 This is milk.14、 Do you like new bag?. 补全对话(26=12分)Woman: 1 ?Man: Yes, please. Id like a birthday cake . Tomorrow is my sons birthday.Woman: How old is he ? Man: 2 Woman: Good! 3 ? This small one is cheap and its nice,too.Man: 4 ?Woman: Its only 58 yuan .Man: No, thanks. 5 ?Woman: Oh, that very good, but it is very dear.Man: How much is it ?Woman: 100 yuan. I can give 10% discount(折扣)Man: OK. 6 .A: How much is it? B: Ill like it . C: Can I help you?D: What about this one ? E: How much is the big one? F: Hes six years old.1.( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ).按要求进行句型转换(35=15分)1. Is the hat big?(用small改为选择疑问句) 2. The shoes are 4 yuan . (划线提问) 3. A: (完成问句) B:I want a sweater .4. You name it, we have it, at a very good price. (翻译成汉语) 5. I can play with it. (改一般疑问句) . 阅读理解 (A)There are some trees near the house. One is big, the other two are small. In the big tree, there is a bird. The bird can sing. Whats under the big tree? Its a cat. The cat is looking at the bird.I want some food?, the cat thinks. I want to eat the bird.Oh! Bird, come here! Come and play with me! says the cat.The bird thinks, The cat wants to catch me. I cant go .So the bird says, Not today, thank you! You cant catch me!Goodbye!阅读短文,填写所缺的词(110=10分):1. Near the house there trees.2. The cat is the tree but the bird is the big tree.3. The cat the bird and the bird.4. The bird to play with the cat.(B)Jane is only four and doesnt go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpaan old teacher. One day , Janes mother, Mrs John takes her to a party . The guests (客人)all praise(表扬)a rich womans boy .Mrs John asks him a few questions, but all his answers are wrong .Jane begins to laugh at (嘲笑)him.The rich woman is angry. She tells her frienda teacher to ask Jane some questions, but the girl answers all. Then she asks,There are 3 birds in a tree. How many birds will be left if kill(杀死)one?One answers Jane . Youre wrong !calls out the rich woman, All of them will fly away!Do you think a dead bird can fly ?asks the little girl.The guests to laugh and the womans face turns red.阅读短文,选择适当的答案(25=10分)( )1.Jane a lot
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