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Unit Four Career Planning,Proverbs and Sayings,I do not like work no man does but I like what is in the work: the chance to find yourself. Conrad Joseph, British novelist It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Winston Churchill,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Task 5,Task 1 What Are They?,Work in pairs and figure out the occupations of the people in the pictures on page 143.,Task 3 Impression of Different Professions,Step 1: Listen to an interview about childrens images or stereotypes of different jobs and do exercises 1 good promotion prospects, travel, etc.; working hours; working conditions; contribution to the society; the location of the work place; whether it needs a lot of energy and effort; company culture; the opinions of other people; suitable for ones natural/professional skills/talents,Passage Reading,Read the passage Career Planning within 12 minutes and take turns to ask and answer the following questions.,Q1: Why doesnt career planning necessarily follow routine or logical steps?,Q2: What does career planning include?,Q3: Why are students inefficient career planners?,Q4: What are the three flaws? Would you give some examples to explain them?,Q5: What are the keys to career planning? How do you comment on the keys?,Q6: What do you think of job hopping?,Q7: Do you agree with the following statement ? Explain your answer. Ignorance about ones career is not bliss; reason is better than chance and fate.,Post-Reading: Task 2,Read the following Four-Year Career Planning Checklist and discuss in groups supportive ways of achieving the goals.,Freshman Year: Know Thyself (Self-Exploration) Sophomore Year: Explore Whats Out There (Career Exploration) Junior Year: Time to Get Experience Senior Year: Search and Transition - Time to Get a Job!,Freshman Year: Know Thyself (Self-Exploration) Get to know yourself first your interests your skills your work values your personality supportive ways you can get help on campus with your exploration: _ Visit one-on-one with a career counselor. _ Ask other people in your life (e.g., family and friends) to help you identify your pertinent (相关的)career- related traits. _ Sign up for academic courses that interest you _ get involved in one or more student organizations or clubs _ start reading about various majors and careers _ you can also explore potential new interests and learn new skills. Summer after Freshman Year Secure an internship, summer employment, or a volunteer position to gain valuable experience.,Sample,Useful Words, Phrases or Expressions,place weight on (Para. 1) attach importance to 重视,Dont place any weight on these rumors.,他并没太重视朋友的建议。,He didnt place much weight on his friends suggestions.,别把这些谣言当回事。,Translation,你的计划听起来颇为行得通。,仅靠一份地图就能骑自行车游遍这个城市吗?,Is it feasible to travel around the city by bike with only a map?,Your plan sounds quite feasible.,Translation,feasible (adj.) (Para. 1) able to be done; possible 可行的,可能的,同义词: achievablepossible practicalreasonable workable,反义词: impossibleimpractical,词汇扩充,她在减少浪费方面很有办法。,在职业培训后不久他就成长为一名高效的股票经纪人 (stockbroker)。,He grew into an efficient stockbroker soon after the career training.,She was very efficient in reducing waste.,Translation,efficient (adj.) (Para. 2) working well, quickly, and without waste 效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的,efficient 用于指人或工具、机器工作时效率高 effective 用于指措施、方法等高效,词汇比较,疗效很好的药 an _ medicine,有效措施an _ measure,能干的秘书an _ secretary,请选择 efficient 或 effective 的适当形式填空。,efficient,称职的经理 an _ manager,efficient,effective,effective,Exercise,除了不够幽默之外,他简直是完美的。,你没有看出他论点中的谬误吗?,Didnt you spot the flaw in his argument?,He is almost perfect except for the flaw of being not humorous enough.,Translation,flaw (n.) (Para. 3) mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect 缺点,瑕疵,缺陷,近义词: fault (人的)过错;(物的)毛病,词汇比较,imperfection 不完整性, 不足; 缺点, 缺陷,mistake错误,shortcoming 缺点,weakness,弱点,请选择 fault, imperfection, mistake, shortcoming 或 weakness 的适当形式填空。,Exercise,“这是我的责任,不是你的责任。” “The _ lies with me, not with you.”,因为对英语懂得不完全,他失去了这份工作。 He lost the job because of the _ of English.,不守时间是他最大的短处。 Not being punctual is his greatest _.,shortcoming,我们大家都有些小短处。 We all have our little _.,weaknesses,fault,imperfection,侍者把帐单弄错了。 The waiter make a _ over the bill.,mistake,at stake (Para. 3) in a situation where something valuable might be lost if a plan or action is not successful 濒于险境,处于成败关头 stake: 柱,火刑柱,请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,这家公司濒临破产,数百名职员的工作危在旦夕。 The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and _.,hundreds of jobs are at stake,他承认他的政治生涯正遭到威胁。 He admits that _.,his political life is at stake,You cannot imagine the financial implication of this educational reform.,他微笑了, 暗示着不相信我。,He smiled, with the implication that he didnt believe me.,你无法想象这场教育改革的经济影响。,Translation,implication (n.) (Para. 4) 1) a possible future effect or resu
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