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mydream英语作文范文附中文 my dream英语作文范文附中文 导语:让我们都拥有梦想,勇敢地去追逐梦想吧!小小的心灵,大大的梦想,它会让你的人生变得充实而快乐!下面是为大家的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,关注FLA学习网! We often make some bad inventions, often make a joke, shampoo here to _ you about the story. One day the mother drink yili milk, feel is not good to say to want to wash with it. After washing a head without exception, until the hair dry, you guess what? But you will not guess who. Her head was all dry milk, and the hair is full of explosive, absolutely hopeless, stiff hair knock on the table when, when, when sound. There is no way, remember the last is I help her mother with a hammer knock down outside the hair dry milk, hair washed several times with water again to get back together. Our home shampoo is a lot of more phyletic, but basically the shampoo is not much left in the bottle, I will put them in the shampoo, hair conditioner, mixed together, though not uniform, but the effect is very good, feel cool and wash up. Now Im in the shampoo and soap, the result is a smell of the shampoo, suddenly Im all out. I plus some other shampoos in the shampoo and soap, the washing up as good as the shampoo that effect on the package, is a grey color, very ugly. 我们家里常常搞一些糟糕的发明创造,常常闹出笑话,下面给大家讲讲洗发水的故事。 有一天妈妈喝伊利牛奶,觉得不好就说要用它洗头。 洗完头后一直无异常,直到头发干了,你们猜猜怎么了?但你们谁也不会猜中。她头上竟然全是干牛奶,而且头发全是爆炸型的,简直无可救药,硬邦邦的头发敲在桌子上发出“当、当、当”的声音。没有办法,记得最后是我帮着妈妈拿锤子把头发外面的干牛奶砸掉,再用水洗了好几遍头发才恢复了原样。 我们家里洗发水种类很多,但是基本上瓶子里剩的洗发水都不多了,我就把它们中的洗发水、护发素、混在一起,虽然不太均匀,但效果非常好,而且洗起来感觉很凉快。 现在我又在洗发水里加上了香皂,结果洗发水发出一阵腥味,一下子我全给倒了。我在洗发水里加上一些其它的洗发水和香皂,这次洗起来像洗发水包装上说得效果一样好,就是颜色灰蒙蒙的,非常难看。 One night, and had a wonderful dream, dreamed that he met two friends. One is called doraemon, another name is pleasant goat. One day, on the way home from school, receive met two bad guys, a big mouth, another name is long nose, aunt both of them are robbed a purse. Aunt to shield the wallet while loudly shout: stop thief! Stop thief! Then receive also shouted: doraemon, pleasant goat, you e quickly! The pleasant goat and duo la A dream from the sky, misty can stay. Then duo la A dream from the treasure bag took out two large clamp, A clip on the big mouth mouth, another clip clip on the long nose nose. Ache all over them. Then pleasant goat brought a big gun, ignition, pa, with a long nose and big mouth was flying cannon on the top of the sky, loudly shout: help! Help! Scintillation, disappears! Receive saw two big bad guys get punished, and danced for joy. Is smiling, and heard her voice, open your eyes see, shout loudly 1: it is a wonderful dream! 一天晚上,蒙蒙做了一个奇妙的梦,梦见自己认识了两个朋友。一个叫哆啦A梦,还有一个叫喜羊羊。 有一天,在放学回家的路上,蒙蒙碰到了两个坏蛋,一个叫大嘴巴,另一个叫长鼻子,他们俩正在抢一个阿姨的钱包。阿姨一边护着钱包一边大声地喊着:“抓贼呀!抓贼呀!”于是蒙蒙也大声喊着:“哆啦A梦、喜羊羊,你们快来呀!”结果喜羊羊和哆啦A梦就从天而降,蒙蒙都看呆了。接着哆啦A梦从百宝袋里拿出了两个大夹子,一个夹在了大嘴巴的大嘴上,另一个夹子夹在了长鼻子的鼻子上。把他们疼得满地打滚。然后喜羊羊拿来了一个大大的飞炮,一点火,啪的一声,长鼻子和大嘴巴被飞炮顶上了天空,大声地喊着:“救命呀!救命呀!”闪烁了一下,就消失了!蒙蒙看到两个大坏蛋得到了应有的惩罚,高兴得手舞足蹈。 正笑着,蒙蒙听见了妈妈的声音,睁开眼睛一看,大叫一声:“原来是一场奇妙的梦呀!” 【my dream英语作文范文附中文】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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