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仁爱版八年级(上)课堂小测,八年级Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A,in ones free time,do some outdoor activities,enjoy doing,be interested in,be fond of doing sth.,walk a pet dog,go traveling,hobby,recite,poem,maybe,fond,pet,collect,plant,What do you often do in your free time, Tina?,Whats your hobby, Jim?,Sounds good.,He is fond of going fishing.,Why not read this book together?,八年级Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B,Not all.,It must be great fun.,It certainly is.,used to do sth.,keep pets,collection,doll,coin,hate,pop,What beautiful stamps!,What hobbies did you use to have, Mike?,Im going swimming this afternoon.,We can learn a lot about history from stamps.,I used to watch TV, but now I am interested in collecting coins.,八年级Unit 3 Topic 1 Section C,scrapbook,friendship,funny,stupid,ugly,background,paper,scissors,glue,cut,stick,lazy,title,passage,introduction,be popular with,more than 500 years,get started,start with,cut out,others,sport,many,wonderful,like,tallest,Playing,also,an,win,八年级Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D,provide sth. for sb.,provide sb. with sth.,in ones life,take a bath,be special to sb.,everyday,snake,provide,owner,comfort,pig,bath,pond,dirty,unfriendly,I love playing the guitar.,I prefer playing soccer.,Theyre interested in playing basketball.,I didnt used to go shopping.,Pets provide their owners with love.,八年级Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A & B,at the concert,sound beautiful,hip hop,lend sb. sth. / lend sth. to sb.,not at all,hate doing sth.,pop music,folk music,classic music,rock music,country music,be popular with,be famous for,concert,lend,singer,violin,drum,instrument,folk,classical,rock,jazz,type,quickly,What a pity!,What are you going to do this Sunday evening, Maria?,Its hard to say.,What sweet music!,What time is the concert going to start?,八年级Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C & D,be born in,at the age of three,start taking music lessons,gouptothepiano,without any help,sothat,a born musician,all kinds of music,make sb. happy,wonder,composer,note,papa,press,smile,amazing,peace,culture,own,south,from,care,dangerous,songs,quiet,peaceful,Other,France,own,country,八年级Unit 3 Topic 3 Section A,hold the line,take a shower,practice the violin,answer the telephone,wash some clothes,do some cleaning,do some packing,serve the food,answer,serve,chat,news,museum,roast,duck,Hold the line, please.,What were you doing at this time yesterday, Mike?,He is playing computer games now.,He was listening to the news at eight yesterday.,The telephone rings while she is sleeping.,八年级Unit 3 Topic 3 Section B,agree with sb.,agree to do sth.,quite right,be interesting,call sb. to do sth.,agree,so-so,pleasant,brave,useful,I dont agree.,No, I dont think so.,I think Harry Potter is just so-so.,Collecting model planes must be fun.,Mike enjoys this book because it is interesting.,八年级Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C,in a low voice,pass by,go out,wake up,be dead,lie against the wall,match,dark,voice,sell,hungry,beat,burn,stove,goose (geese),disappear,flame,dead,wake,happily,invent,shows,themselves,history,street,shoulders,use,two,learning,way,八年级Unit 3 Topic 3 Section D & Review of Unit 3,wash some clothes,in the early 1800s,on Monday morning,at the beginning of,tooto,be closed,make faces,holy,however,solve,factory,closed,pray,lake,laugh,I think Spiderman is very brave in the film.,I feel too tired to work.,I used to like playing ping-pong, but now I like playing basketball.,How carefully he studies!,I was reading a story book when you knocked at the door.,
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