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人教版pep六年级英语上册,Unit five:What does he do?,他是做什么(职业)的?,Xiao Mings family,grandfather,father,mother,sister,brother,Can you guess their jobs(职业)in chinese(用中文)?,Can you find the rule(规则)?,work(工作),worker(工作的人工人),farm(农场),farmer(农场的人农民),名词/动词+ =职业名词,er,?,(词缀er表示做.的人),er,:(r),task 1th:,teach(教,教导) sing(唱歌) write(写作) play(运动) drive(驾驶),teacher,singer,writer,player,driver,man(男人),fire(火),firewoman(女消防员),fireman(男消防员),fire(火),woman(女人),famn,fawmn,man(男人),policeman(男警察),policewoman(女警察),Can you find the rule(规则)?,名词/动词+ =职业名词,man/woman,?,police(警务),police(警务),woman(女人),(表示和.有关的男/女人),pli:swmn,pli:smn,task 2nd:,business(商务) fish(鱼) repair(修理) post(邮递) milk(牛奶),businessman,fishman,repairman,postman,milkman,bznsmn,fmn,rpemn,pstmn,mlkmn,other types(类型),scientist(科学家),pilot(飞行员),coach(教练),doctor(医生),Su Fangyu(苏芳雨),What does he do?,He is a,basketball player.,task 3rd:,Practice with your deskmate,then show it to the class.,他是做什么的?,他是一个篮球运动员。,Deng Ziqi(邓紫棋),What does she do?,She is a,singer.,她是做什么的?,她是一个歌手。,Practice with your deskmate,then show it to the class.,task 4th:,What does he/she do? He/She is a .,task 5th:conjunctions(连词成句),busy policewoman Ms Hu,player Yi Jianlian tall,Mr Li doctor good,1、Ms Hu is a busy policewomen.(胡女士是个忙碌的警察。) 2、Is Ms Hu a busy policewomen?(胡女士是一个忙碌的警察吗?) 3、Is that busy policewomen Ms Hu?(那个忙碌的警察是胡女士吗?),1、Yi Jianlian is a tall player.(易建联是一个高的运动员。) 2、Is Yi Jianglian a tall player?(易建联是一个高的运动员吗?) 3、Is that tall player Yi Jianlian?(那个高的运动员是易建联吗?),1、Mr Li is a good doctor.(李先生是一个好医生。) 2、Is Mr Li a good doctor?(李先生是一个好医生吗?) 3、Is that good doctor Mr Li?(那个好医生是李先生吗?),Game:guess while doing(边做边猜),teacher(教师) postman/woman(邮递员) driver (司机) singer(歌手) farmer (农民) player(运动员) doctor (医生) policeman/woman(警察),homework recite(背诵) the words in unit 5.,T,h,a,n,k,s,f,o,r,w,a,t,c,h,i,n,g,!,
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