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Recurring Themes-PMI-isms to Know for thePMP ExamPMI-ism is a term 1 coined to refer to the items PMI stresses on the exam that mostproject managers do not know. PMI-isms are not stressed and sometimes not evenmentioned in the PMBOK Guide! Those who write questions on the exam know what mostproject managers do wrong. This knowledge helps them to write questions that weed outthose who should not be PMPs.Understanding PMI-isms will help you pick the best answer from what seems like morethan one correct answer. Some of the topics are listed only here and others are summarizedhere and described more fully later in the book. Review this list again just before you takethe exam and make sure you understand all these PMI-isms.1. There is a basic assumption that you have records (historical information) for allprevious projects that include what the work packages were, how much each workpackage cost, and what risks were uncovered. These are now referred to in the PMBOKGuide as part of organizational process assets. You are probably laughing becauseyou do not have such information. You may even be saying, That is a good idea! Forthe exam, assume that you have them for all projects and that you create them forexisting projects. Organizational process assets are an input to almost every projectmanagement process.一个基本的假设是:所有以往的项目都有相关的记录(历史信息),包括工作包的内容,成本及未涵盖的风险。即在 PMBOK 中提到的组织过程资产。你可能会觉得可笑,因为你没有这些信息。你可能会说:那真是个好主意!对考试而言,假设你拥有所有项目的历史信息,并且你为正在进行的项目创建这些信息。组织过程资产几乎是每一个项目管理过程的输入。为何 PMI 如此强调组织过程资产?因为他们对项目经理,项目团队,执行组织,甚至是客户,都是极其珍贵的(黄金般)。2. Project cost and schedule cannot be finalized without completing risk management.没有完成风险管理,项目成本和进度就不能最后达成。3. PMI stresses the fact that a project manager must work within the existing systems andculture of a company. They call these enterprise environmental factors and they areinputs to many processes.PMI 强调:项目经理必须在公司既定的系统和文化下开展工作,他们称之为事业环境因素,是很多过程的输入。4. The word task is not used in the PMBOK Guide. There are work packages, activitiesand/or schedule activities.PMBOK 中并没有使用“任务”这个词,而是用了工作包,活动或计划活动。5. The term Gantt chart is not used, only bar chart.干特图没有使用,而是用了横道图。6. You must understand the process of project management; e.g., what to do first,second, etc., and why! See Ritas Process Chart and Ritas Process Game in the ProjectManagement Processes chapter.你必须明白项目管理过程:如,首先做什么,其次等;为什么要这样做!7. A project managers job is to focus on preventing problenls, not to deal with them.What do you spend time doing every day? If you spend all your time dealing withproblems, you are not a great project manager. You should have planned the project toaddress the problems or to prevent the problems you knew would be coming.项目经理的工作集中在阻止问题的发生,而不是问题发生后再处理。你每天时间花在哪里了?如果你所有时间都在处理问题,你就不是一个好的项目经理。你应该做好计划,识别问题或者阻止可能发生的问题。8. Percent complete is an almost meaningless number. Project managers should not spendtime collecting useless information. It is better to control the project and know thestatus through other actions.完成的百分比几乎是个毫无意义的数字。项目经理不应该把时间花在收集毫无用途的信息,最好通过其他方式了解项目状态和监控项目。9. A great project manager does not hold meetings where you go around the room askingall attendees to report. Such meetings are generally, but not always, a waste of time,as such information can be collected through other means. There are more importanttopics for team meetings.一个好的项目经理不会举行这样的会议,让所有与会者报告状态。这样的会议通常是,但不总是,浪费时间。因为这些信息可以通过其他方式收集。在团队会议上有其他更重要的议题。lo. A project manager has authority and power. She can say No and work to control theproject to the benefit of the customer.项目经理拥有权利和权力。她可以说:NO!控制项目使之有利于客户的利益。11. The project must be completed on time and on budget and meet any other projectobjectives; otherwise it is the project managers fault.项目经理必须在项目预算内按时完成项目,并且满足其它项目目标,否则,就是项目经理的失误。12. Delays must be made up by adjusting future work.延迟必须通过调整未来的工作来弥补。13. Know the following about the project management plan:The project management plan is approved by all parties, is realistic and everyonebelieves it can be achieved.The project is managed to the project management plan.A project management plan is not a bar chart, nor is a WBS created in a bar chart ora list in a bar chart.Make sure you know what actions it takes to create a real project management plan.Most project managers have never developed a project management plan thatcontains all the items in the PMBOK Guides definition of a project managementplan. Make sure you are familiar with what goes into a project management planand what each component includes.对项目管理计划,需了解以下几点:项目管理计划是由各方同意的,是现实的,并且每个人都相信是可以实现的。根据项目管理计划来管理项目。项目管理计划不是横道图,也不是横道图中的 wbs 和清单。务必知道必须采取什么活动来创建一个现实的项目管理计划。多数项目经理从来没有开发过一个包括了 PMBOK 提到的所有子项的项目管理计划。务必熟悉项目管理计划包括的所有内容,和各个组建包括什么。14. If at all possible, all the work and all the stakeholders are identified before theproject begins.应尽可能地在项目开始之前识别所有的工作和所有项目干系人。15. Stakeholders are involved in the project and may help identify and manage risks. Theyare involved in team building and their needs are taken into account while planningthe project and in the communicati
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