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商务翻译基础之句子处理第二讲 商务英语语篇中从句的翻译2.1 定语从句的翻译英语定于绝大部分是后置汉语中定语都要前置汉语定于不能过长Business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through which profit or economic surplus will be created.商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润和经济盈余。in a turnkey project, the seller plans, constructs, and places in operation a foreign facility that is then transferred to a local owner.在由承包商完全承包的工程中,卖主计划、建造并将一套国外设施投入运作,然后将其转让给地方雇主。And it allows me the variety of work that working at a large multi-billion bank does not have to offer as youll be working in narrow job description handling one type of lending.这使我的工作变化多样,而这在拥有亿万资金的大银行里是不大可能的,因为在那种大银行里,你的工作范围很窄,只处理一种贷款。But the important thing to remember is that in the modern world we must give people skills which will prepare them for the changing world of manufacturing and production which is now upon us.但需要记住的重要事情是,在现代世界里,我们必须向人们传授技术本领,掌握这些技术本领就可以使他们为应对我们眼下所面临的不断变化着的生产制造领域做好准备。It was found that a country benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at lower costs than by producing everything it needs within its own border.人们发现,一个国家只生产成本消耗最低的产品,而从其他国家购买他们用较低成本生产的产品,这比在国内生产自己所需要的一切产品要划算的多。In addition to visible trade, which involves the importing and exporting of tangible goods, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations.除了这种进出口商品的有形贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的无形贸易。International trade transactions refer to the exportation of goods or services from one country to another, which is the importing country.国际贸易是指商品或服务从一个国家出口到另一个国家,即进口的国家。As imports are financed by exports, which help to gain foreign currency to import the badly needed raw materials, technology and equipment, the capacity of a nation to import obviously depends on its export performance.由于进口依靠出口来融资,出口获得的外汇可用来进口急需的原材料、技术及设备,因此一个国家的进口能力显然取决于出口业绩的好坏 Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed, but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, distribution, and sales of goods and service for a profit.传统上,商务仅指人们所需要的物品交换或贸易。 但是,今天商务有更为科学的定义,它是指为了利润而进行货物和劳务的生产、配送和销售的一种活动。International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training, because the growing scale and complexity of business transaction across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics.International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training, because the growing scale and complexity of business transaction across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics.国际商务作为管理训练的一个分支出现,是由于跨国界的商业交易日益增长的范围和复杂性产生了新的、特殊的管理问题和政府政策问题。这些问题没有在传统的商业和经济领域里受到足够的注意。International business activities also include an extensive range of optional methods available to firms for dong business internationally that involve different degrees of foreign direct investment commitments.国际商务活动包括一系列可供公司选择的进行国际贸易的方法。这些方法包括外国直接投资的不同程度的承诺。The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) aims to achieve a situation where foreign investors are not discriminated against, but they are still subject to the same substantive laws and regulations that apply to domestic investors.多边投资协定的目标是要达到这样一种境界外国投资者不受歧视,但他们仍和国内投资者一样要接受同样的基本法规的管制。The seller must deliver goods which of the quantity, quality and descriptions required by the contract and which are contained or packed in the manner required by the contract.卖方交付的货物必须与合同所规定的数量、质量和规格一致,并按照合同所规定的方式装箱或包装。2.2 状语从句的处理英文状语从句的处理: 将状语置于汉语的谓语之前充当汉语句子中的状语;将状语置于汉语句子中主句前充当状语。Buyers or their chartering agent (租船代理人) shall advise the sellers by fax 10 days prior to the arrival of the carrying vessel (装货船只 ) at the port of shipment of the contract number, name of the carrying vessel, approximate loading capacity (载荷能力), lay days (装卸货日数) and port of loading.买方或其租船代理人须于载货轮抵达装货港 10 天前以传真方式通知卖方合同号、船名、大约受载总量、预计抵达日期及装运港名。Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the needs to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD 30 000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time.买方须于本合同签字并生效后 30 天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤消信用证支付全部货款计 30,000 美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。If the technical documents are found lost, damaged or mutilated (毁伤) during air transportation, Party B shall supply Party A free of charge with a second set of the documents within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has received from Party A the written notice.若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、缺损、或短缺,乙方须于收到甲方的书面通知后 30 天内尽快免费向甲方重新邮寄该技术资料一套。If any change is required regarding the terms and conditions of this agreement, then both parties shall ne
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