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关于考试没考好的初二英语日记带翻译优秀范文 关于考试没考好的初二英语日记带翻译优秀范文 “要考试了”我们听着陈老师一声号令,我们纷纷拿起自己的铅笔。我考着试,只要觉得个题目不对劲,就会洁白的像皮擦擦来擦去上上下下丶左左右右都要擦。第4面了,我兴奋地握紧笔,努力的回想怎么写两个好朋友这篇看图写话怎么写,这时黄老师开门走进来,我的眼睛害不操控似的,看了看黄老师收试卷了馨恬说。我们只好把试卷一一交给组长,不过我也写好了。不久陈老师来发试卷了。试卷发到手了,哎!我真粗心尽然考砸了! The exam is ing. we listened to Chens order, and we picked up our pencils. I try to test, as long as I think a problem is not right, I will wipe it up and down, left, right and right. On the fourth side, I clenched my pen excitedly and tried to remember how to write two good friends this picture and words. At this time, Mr. Huang opened the door and walked in. My eyes were not manipulated. I looked at Mr. Huang and collected the test paper, Xintian said. We had to hand over the papers to the group leader one by one, but I also wrote them. Soon Mr. Chen came to hand out the papers. The test paper has been handed out! I was so careless that I failed the exam! 【关于考试没考好的初二英语日记带翻译优秀范文】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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