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单 元 写 作 专 项,Unit 2How often do you exercise?,本单元话题是描述某人的日常生活, 谈论做某事的频率, 要求学生能恰当地使用本单元的频度副词来介绍自己或他人的生活习惯。一般从饮食、锻炼、业余爱好等方面入手, 叙述好的和不好的习惯。在写这类短文时, 常用一般现在时。,【高频词汇】 1.吃蔬菜 _ 2.垃圾食品 _ 3.two or three times a week _ 4.more than _,一周两三次,junk food,eat vegetables,多于,5.less than _ 6.use the Internet _ 7.hardly ever _ 8.至少 _,几乎从不,使用互联网,少于,at least,【开头句】 1. Last week I asked them about their free time activities.上周我询问了他们关于他们业余活动的情况。 2.I had a healthy lifestyle.我拥有健康的生活方式。 3.Last week I did a survey about our students lifestyles.上周我做了一项关于我们学生生活方式的调查。,【中间句】 1.He hardly ever stays up late.他几乎从不熬夜。 2.However, he has some bad habits, too.然而, 他也有一些坏习惯。 3.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.我们发现只有百分之十五的学生每天锻炼。,【结尾句】 1.We should start exercising before its too late.我们应该尽早开始锻炼。 2.These are my living habits.What about yours?这些是我的生活习惯。你的生活习惯有哪些呢?,【名言警句】 1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果, 医生远离我。 2.Old habits die hard.旧习难改。,【写作任务】 下周一班会课上, 你们班要举行“告别不良习惯, 倡导健康生活”的主题活动。请你根据以下提示写一篇发言稿, 介绍自己的生活方式。,提示: 1.锻炼方面(含方式、时间、频率等); 2.饮食方面 (含内容、时间、频率等); 3.业余活动 (含内容、时间、感受等)。 要求: 80词左右。语句通顺, 内容完整全面, 可适当发挥。,【写作点拨】 1.审题: (1) 确定人称。文章要求介绍自己的生活方式, 应用第一人称。(2)确定时态。根据提示和要求, 写作时要用一般现在时, 尽量使用一些频度副词或短语。(3)确定体裁。题目已经交代清楚是写发言稿, 体裁为应用文。注意发言稿的格式。开头多用Hello everyone!/Good morning, boys and girls!等。结尾多用 Thank you for listening。,【写作提纲】,【范文点评】,Good morning, everyone! I have a healthy lifestyle. Every morning I exercise with my classmates. We often run and play basketball. I have a good eating habit. I try to eat more fruit and vegetables every day because they are good for my health. And I hardly ever eat junk food., I have a healthy lifestyle. 开头点题, 总结全文, 引出下文。 try to do sth. 的句式和由because引导的复合句的使用使文章句式多样。,I drink milk every morning, though I dont like it.My mom always tells me its good for me. In my free time, I never play computer games. Usually I go to the library to read books. Old habits die hard. We should start exercising before its too late. Thank you for listening.,though引导的让步状语从句丰富了文章内容。 用谚语Old habits die hard. 作结束语, 使文章更具感染力。 We should start exercising before its too late. 表达了作者的观点。 文章使用了often hardly ever、always、never和usually等频度副词。,假设你是李华, Tom 和Grace是你的好朋友。请你根据表格的提示, 比较他们的生活习惯, 并简要发表看法、作出评价。80词左右。,_ _,Im Li Hua. Tom and Grace are my good friends. But they have different living habits. Tom exercises twice a week. He goes online every day. And he often eats junk food. He watches TV for two hours almost every day. But Grace is different. She exercises every day. And she goes online two or three times a week. Although she likes junk food, she only sometimes eats it because,_ _ _,its not good for her health. And she only watches TV for two hours one to three times a week. I think Graces living habits are healthy and Tom should exercise more and eat less junk food.,
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