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第八单元检测卷,ACCAC,CBCCA,快速对答案,CBCBC,1-5,A,B,C,B,D,6-10,11-15,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,36-40,41-45,46-50,51-55,ACADD,AABBD,BBADD,A,C,B,D,B,CBDCA,BBACB,16-20,31,32,33,34,35,C,C,D,B,D,56-60,见内文,见内文,见内文,见内文,见内文,听力部分(20分) .听句子, 选择正确的答语。听两遍。(5分),( )1.A.March 8th. B.September 10th. C.October 1st.,A,When is Womens Day?,( )2.A.He is fine. B.Its June 3rd. C.He is 13. ( )3.A.Yes, we are. B.Yes, they do. C.Yes, we do.,C,How old is he?,C,Do you want to come to my party?,( )4.A.Yes, it is. B.No, it doesnt. C.Yes, I am. ( )5.A.Its a birthday party. B.Tom is at school. C.Its on July 25th.,A,Is your birthday in June?,C,When is the school trip?,.听对话, 根据对话内容选择正确的图片。听两遍。(5分),( )6.When is Johns birthday? A. B. C.,W: Is your birthday on July 5, John? M: No. My birthday is on August 15.,C,( )7.Who is 13? A. B. C.,B,W: How old are you, Bob? M: Im 13, Mary. And my brother Tom is 14.,( )8.What do they have on October 15th? A. B. C.,C,W: Do we have a school trip on October 15th? M: Yes, we do. And we have a test on October 12th.,( )9.When is the boys birthday party? A.10: 00 B.14: 00 C.20: 00,C,M: Can you come to my birthday party, Jane? Its at eight this evening. W: Sure.,( )10.What activity(活动) is on the 7th? A. B. C.,A,W: Hey, Frank! We have a book sale on the 7th at school. M: Yes. And we have an art festival on the 8th.,.听对话, 选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) 听下面一段对话, 回答第1112小题。,M: Mom, where is my volleyball? W: Why do you want your volleyball, Tony? M: We have a volleyball game. W: When is your volleyball game? M: Its on October 16th at our school. W: Oh, its under your bed. M: Thank you, Mom.,( )11.Where is the volleyball? A.On the chair. B.Under the table. C.Under the bed. ( )12.When is Tonys volleyball game? A.On September 6th. B.On October 16th. C.On November 26th.,C,B,听下面一段对话, 回答第1315小题。,M: Hi, Jane! W: Hi, John! M: Do you have any brothers or sisters? W: I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is twelve years old. M: When is her birthday? W: Its on August 15th. Do you have a sister?,M: Yes. And Linda is eleven. W: When is her birthday? M: Its on May 8th. And I also have a brother. Hes Joe. He is eight. His birthday is on August 15th, too. W: Thats interesting.,( )13.How old is Lily? A.She is eight. B.She is ten. C.She is twelve. ( )14.Who is eleven years old? A.Jane. B.Linda. C.Joe.,C,B,( )15.When is Joes birthday? A.On May 8th. B.On May 15th. C.On August 15th.,C,.听短文, 选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分),My name is Cindy. Its November 20th and its my birthday. I have an interesting birthday party at three this afternoon. And I ask my good friends to come. Here are some things for my birthday party. Look! Some fruits are on the table. Theyre bananas, strawberries and apples. Oh! Some hamburgers are in the box and the milk is on the sofa.,Now all my friends come. They say, “Cindy, happy birthday! ” Oh, Im happy. I think Ill have a good time at my twelfth birthday party.,( )16.When is Cindys birthday? A.On December 20th. B.On November 20th. C.On November 2nd.,B,( )17.What time does Cindy have her birthday party this afternoon? A.At 2: 00. B.At 3: 00. C.At 4: 00. ( )18.What are on the table? A.Strawberries. B.Hamburgers. C.Cakes.,B,A,( )19.Where is the milk? A.On the table. B.In the box. C.On the sofa. ( )20.How old is Cindy? A.11. B.12. C.13.,C,B,笔试部分(95分) .单项选择。(15分) ( )21.Is your birthday _ August? No, its _ September 26th. A.on; in B.in; in C.on; on D.in; on,D,( )22.Do you have _ art festival in your school? No, but we have _ book sale. A.a; a B.an; a C.an; an D.a; an,B,( )23.Lets play soccer, Dale. But I am very _ now.What about this afternoon? A.busy B.happy C.tidy D.healthy,A,( )24._is School Day? Its on September 8th. A.How B.When C.Who D.What,从答语可知问句是询问日期。,B,( )25.Which month is after June? It is _. A.February B.March C.July D.April,C,( )26.When is Womens Day in China? It is in _. A.September B.March C.January D.July,B,( )27._is Jack? He is thirteen. A.Who B.When C.How D.How old,从答语可知询问年龄。,D,( )28.Whats the _ of his birth? On March 4th. A.date B.birthday C.day D.age,A,由答语可知是询问生日日期, the date of birth固定搭配。,( )29.We read(读) September 5 “_”. A.September five B.the five September C.September the fifth D.the five of September,考查9月5日的读法。,C,( )30.When is your _birthday? Her birthday is on October 10th. A.fathers B.cousins C.brothers D.grandfathers,从答句中her一词可得到提示。,B,( )31.Im very _ to meet you, Eric. Nice to meet you, too. A.late B.tidy C.easy D.happy,D,( )32.Ms.Black has _ sons, and the _ son is a sports star. A.three; three B.three; third C.third; third D.third; three,B,( )33.Lets go to the New Years _ this afternoon. Its in Jennys room. Sounds good. A.time B.store C.party D.trip,C,( )34.Hey, Uncle Joe. Happy birthday to you! _ A.You are welcome. B.The same to you! C.Thanks. D.Sounds good.,考查交际用语。别人祝贺你的生日时, 你要表示感谢, 因此答案选C。,C,( )35.We have an art festival on June 6th. _. A.Thanks B.Youre welcome C.Thats all right
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