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美国常用成语教材总结1. put someone one = fool someone 2. the luck of the Irish = very good luck 3. take sth step by step4. live high on the hog = have a comfortable style 养尊处优的生活5. count on it = trust on sth 6. hit the hay= go to sleep7. on the dot= exactly at that time8. works for me = I can accept it9. lead the way= go first , show the way10. a little birdie told me = some one told me11. you dont say= wow , that s interesting12. slave away= work very hard13. keep an eye on some ome14. take a cake = be extraordinary or extreme 不得了15. slip ones mind = forget sth16. wait sth out = wait for sth to finish17. trapped out= out of money18. spring for sth = pay for sth19. call it a day= finish the days work20. dont hold your breath= it may take a long time21. as slow as molasses( 糖浆 )= very slow22. keep someone company= stay with someone23. it looks like Ill be here a while.24. crank up = turn up 调高音量25. no can do = I cant do that 26. fit someone to a T = fit very well27. baggers cant be choosers28. one of these days = eventually29. put something on someone= blame someone for sth30. drop it= stop talking about something31. no harm, no foul = nothing happened, everything is fine32. short on time = lack of the time33. gove someone a piece of ones mind= tell someone true feeling 34. could have fooled me = I dont agree35. think twice before doing 36. rag( 破布) on someone= bother or make fun of someone 37. have a beef with someone= have conflict with sb38. take it easy= clam down39. be going nuts= became crazy40. stress out41. easier said than down42. fool around= wasting some tme to have fun43. burn the midnight oil= stay up44. what a load off= thats a big relief45. know something backwards and forwards= know sth totally46. paint the town red= go out and have a lot of fun47. float someones boat= attract ones interest48. its on me= Ill pay49. get a move on= hurry up50. wind down= slow down= clam down51. wind up = make someone nervous52. the other way around =totally opposite53. point taken= I understand54. ready to roll = ready t start55. under the weather= sick56. now and then= occasionally57. feel up for something= feel like doing sth58. take a peek = briefly look59. put sth out of ones mind= stop thinking about sth60. cheer up = be happy61. get sth=understand sth62. look the bright side= look at things positively63. get to someone= affect bother someone64. I hear you.= I know what you mean.65. couldnt hold a candle to sth = isnt as good as66. cost a fortune= cost a lot of money67. in ones blood= very important to some one68. take a breather= take a rest69. bring it on= let something happen70. on top of the world= very happy71. thats the spirit= thats a good attitude72. brush up on= review73. and then some= the total is even higher74. cost a pretty penny= cost a lot of money75. chunk of change= amount of money76. hit the nail on the head= be exactly right about it77. lose ones mind= go crazy78. itch for something= really want sth79. thats the ticket= thats the right thing80. wake up and smell the coffee= see the real things81. get the picture= understand something82. what gives?= why is the happening?= whats wrong?83. closer to the mark =more accurate84. older than dirt= very old85. bedie the point= not the key point86. in black and white = in print87. down in the dumps (垃圾场,脏乱的地方)= feel sad88. read someone like a book= understand someone completely89. man trouble= romantic trouble with a man90. stand out in a crowd be very obvious91. earth to someone= way to get someones attention92. wound up = tense and nervous93. run over= go longer than planed ( 延长时间)94. run a tight ship = keep things orderly and well controlled95. beats me= I dont know96. hold the fort(城堡) = stay at a place97. whats the deal?= whats happening?98. whats it to you ?= why do you care?99. over the top= excessive ( 过分的, 过度的)100. devil way care= casual and carefree 毫不在乎why the devil way care attitude?101. get real= be honest102. something to that effect= something like that103. bark up the wrong tree = mix up with some other thing104. as quiet as a mouse= very quiet105. ones ears play tricks on one106. work like a dog= work very hard107. run around like a chicken with its head cut off=move around in a busy and vercous way108. up a creek( 泉水)= in trouble109. vanish into thin air= disappear110. get some shut eye= get some sleep111. case closed= the problem is solved112. get the hang of something=become good at doing something113. in someones shoes= in a similar situation as someone else114. learn the ropes= learn how to do something115. bit off more than one can chew= accept too much116. in no time= very quickly117. not too shabby( 破旧的,衣衫褴褛的)= pretty good118. give or take= plus or minusthe trip will take three hours, give or take a minute.119. up to ones ear in something = have many of sthweve up to ears in debt120. whats the catch?= whats condition or requirement?121. theres on free lunch= nothing is free
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