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Review of Unit5&6,频度副词,从频度最高到最低 频度短语 1.每天 2. 每天早上_ 3.一周一次 . 4.一周两次 . 5.一周三次 . 对频度副词和频度短语提问要用 .,once a week,every day,every morning,twice a week,three times a week,how often,always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never,在里 在上 在后面(外部) 在下面 在旁边 在近旁,紧邻 在(外部的)前面 在(内部的)前面 在中央 在左/右边 在后面(内部),in on behind under near next to in front of in the front of in the center of on the left/right of at the back of,Prepositions,现在进行时态中“V+ing”的规则。 1.直接加-ing do-doing, speak-speaking, talk-talking, play- playing 2.以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉字母e后再加-ing make-making, have-having, leave-leaving , come-coming, write-writing, take-taking 3.以一个辅音结尾的重读闭音节,双写尾字母再加-ing run-running , sit- sitting, shop-shopping swim-swimming, begin-beginning 4.以ie结尾的动词,先把ie变为y,然后再加-ing。 die(死)-dying, lie(躺)-lying,1.在学校门口 2.步行 3.乘坐公交车 4.骑自行车 5.在他们空闲时间 6.准时 7.户外活动 8.带领某人参观 7.失物招领处 8.一些别的科目 9.学习关于过去的知识,Phrase,at the school gate,on foot,by bus,by bike,in their free time,on time,outdoor activity,show sb. around,the Lost and Found,some other subjects,learn about the past,10.做卡片 11.在二楼 12.上楼 13.看一看 14.在花园里 15.和玩 16.照看,保管 17.在树上 18.等等 19.将收起,in the garden,go upstairs,have a look,on the second floor,look after,play with,in the tree/on the tree,and so on,put away,make cards,20.生活开销 21.社区服务中心 22.在拐角处 23.在对面 24.遵守交通规则 25.在第一个十字路口 26.丧生 27.一张超速罚单 28.在和之间,the cost of living,community service center,on the corner of,across from,obey the traffic rules,at the first crossing,lose ones life,a ticket for speeding,between and,1.新年快乐!你也一样! 2.你通常怎样到校?我通常坐地铁到校。 3.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 4.你多久来一次图书馆?一周三次、很经常、天天。,Sentences,Happy New Year! The same to you.,The early bird catches the worm.,How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway.,How often do you come to the library?,Three times a week. / Very often. / Every day.,5.现在他在做什么? 他在阅读。 6.我可以借它们多久? 两周。你必须按时归还。 7.仍然要感谢你。 8.我能借一些英语练习册吗?当然可以。,What is he doing now? He is reading,How long can I keep them?,Two weeks.,You must return them on time.,Thank you all the same.,May I borrow some English workbooks? Of course.,9.他们在上什么课?他们在上音乐课。 10.下节课什么时候开始? 在十点五十分。 11.你认为它怎么样?它有点难而且很无趣。 12.我的学校生活很有趣。,What class are they having? They are having a music class.,What time does the next class begin? At ten fifty.,My school life is very interesting.,What do you think of it ? Its a little difficult and boring.,13.-你的书房有电脑吗?-是的,有。 14.-书桌上是什么?-有一盏灯、一台电脑、一些书等等。 15.别把它们放在那里,把它们收起来。,Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is.,Whats on the desk? There is a lamp, a computer and some books.,Dont put them there. Put them away, please.,16.你们住在什么样子的房子里? 17.有许多老人居住在这。 18.这附近有个银行吗? 19.它离这里大约15公里远。,What kind of home do you live in?,There are many old people living here.,Is there a bank near here ?,Its about 15 kilometers away from here.,20.你能告诉我去医院的路吗? 21.不要在街道上玩。 22.沿着新华街直走,在第一个十字路口向右转。,Could you tell me the way to the hospital?,Dont play on the street.,Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossing.,Do some exercises.,
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