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Unit 7 Topic 1 知识点,作家,出生,迷,风扇,千,生日,日期,日历,计划,打算,聚会,庆祝,writer,born,fan,thousand,birthday,date,calendar,plan,party,celebrate,形状 礼物 球,舞会 担心,害怕 星,明星 老鼠 正方形 圆圈 三角形,shape,present,ball,afraid,star,Mousemice,square,circle,triangle,一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月,January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr. May May June Jun. July Jul. August Aug. September Sept.,十月 十一月 十二月 椭圆 厘米 蛋糕 太太,夫人 is 过去式 are过去式,October Oct. November Nov. December Dec. oval centimeter cake Mrs. was were,谈论 我最喜欢的作家 一个的超级粉丝 下星期天 看日历 计划做某事 为某人办一个生日会 看一看,talk about my favorite writer a big fan of Next Sunday look at the calendar plan to do sth. have a birthday party for sb. have a look,做飞机模型 用干某事,make model planes use sth. to do =use sth.for doing,她什么时候出生? 她在哪出生? 你什么时候出生? 你在哪出生? 你几号生日? 今天是几号? 你的生日快来了。 你的礼物是什么形状? 我可以看一看吗? 我恐怕你不可以。,When was she born? Where was she born? When were you born? Where were you born? When is your birthday? Whats the date today? Your birthday is coming. Whats the shape of your present? May I have a look? Im afraid you cant.,topic 1,它有多长? 它有5厘米长。 它有多宽? 它有3厘米宽。 我们用它做什么? 我们用它来听歌。,How long is it? Its 5 centimeters long. How wide is it ? Its 3 centimeters wide. What can we use it for? We use it to listen to music.,
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