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1褒义词Profitable: 有益的,有利可图的,有利润的That business became profitable last year. 那项生意去年变得很赚钱。Effective: 有效的These are effective measures. 这些都是有效的措施。Rewarding: a satisfying as well as a financially rewarding career 令人满意且薪水丰厚的职业 I did not expect the job to be intrinsically rewarding. 我并没有期望这份工作本身会有什么好处。notable: 值得注意的, 显著的notable development desirable: 可取的, 值得拥有的, 合意的a desirable job/position eminent: 闻名的, 卓越的, 显赫的(品德 )优秀的, 突出的be eminent among ones peers 在同代人中是杰出的eminent souls 社会名流essential: 必不可少的, 绝对必要的; 非常重要的 Food is essential for life. 生命离不开食物。 本质的, 实质的, 基本的 There are essential differences between the two. 这两者之间有本质的区别。fundamental:基本的; 重要的, 必要的the fundamental rules of the society 社会基本规则mutual trust is fundamental to love 相互信任是爱的基础remarkable:卓越的; 显著的; 非凡的,a remarkable change:显著的变化a remarkable work 出色的工作stunning:了不起的, 出色的, 漂亮的a stunning victory 惊人的胜利favorable赞同的;称赞的(+to)They are favorable to the proposal. 他们赞同这项提议。 The book received a favorable review. 这本书赢得了好评。 2中性词Considerable:相当大(多)的It is a considerable sum of money.Tempting:诱人的restaurants tempting us with delicious cakes 供应美味诱人蛋糕的餐馆Constant:恒久不变的,不断的, 连续发生的In history, change is constant. 在历史上, 变化是不断的。Make constant changes to adapt to societyFatal: 重大的, 决定性的I made the fatal mistake of letting her talk. 我让她讲话是犯了严重的错误。Sufficient:足够的We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem. 我们已经有了足够的经验来处理这个问题。Practical: 实际的,实用的He lacks practical experience. 他缺乏实践经验。Your invention is clever, but not practical. 你的发明很巧, 但不实用。Symbolic: 象征的, 象征性的 The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act. 基督教的洗礼仪式是一种象征性的做法。Intrinsic: 固有的, 内在的, 本质的 difficulties that are intrinsic to such a situation 这种情势固有的困难 a mans intrinsic worth 人自身的价值Typical: 典型的, 有代表性的Botswana is not a typical African country. 博茨瓦纳并不是典型的非洲国家。 特有的, 独特的 This wine is typical of the region. 这种酒是本地区的特产。Pragmatic: 务实的; 实事求是的; 注重实效的 实用主义的, 实用主义观点的Theoretical courses in university do not have p use inour work. Friendship is very important for usFriendship is of great importance for us.overwhelming 势不可挡的, 压倒一切的; 巨大的 3The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 该法案以压倒多数通过压倒的; 势不可挡的 an overwhelming victory 势如破竹的胜利 an overwhelming majority 压倒的多数infinite 无限的, 无穷的, 无边无际的 The war brought infinite harm to the nation. 战争给这个国家带来了无穷的灾难。Incredulous 不肯轻信的; 表示怀疑的(of, about); 奇怪的 be incredulous about ghosts 不信鬼Compelling引人注目的; 令人佩服的 a man of compelling integrity 一位令人起敬的正直人士必须接受或同意的Adequate充分的, 足够的 There was adequate rain and snow last winter. 去年冬天雨雪充足。 适当的, 胜任的 Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to the work. 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项工作。贬义词Misleading:欺骗的;误导性的 misleading directions 使人误解的指示 She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament. 她被指控故意误道议会Alarming: 使人害怕的; 扰乱人心的 The report is most alarming. 这个报告最为扰乱人心。Worsening:日益恶化的Futile 无效的, 无用的, 无意义的 Their efforts to revive him were futile. 他们对他抢救无效。a futile attempt 无效的尝试 futile talk 空谈 He is a futile sort of person. 他是一个没有用的人。4Contemptuous轻蔑的; 目空一切的, 傲慢的, 贬义的 be contemptuous of 瞧不起 contemptuous air 傲慢态度 Shes contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings. 她瞧不起我出身卑贱, 家境贫困。Counterproductive: 起反作用的,使达不到预期目标的Staggering:难以置信的; 令人震惊的交错的, 摆动调谐的; 失谐的 , 失调的 a staggering problem 难题 The cost is staggering. 费用大得惊人。detrimental有害的, 不利的 Poor eating habits are detrimental to health. 不良的饮食习惯对健康有害。Mournful:哀痛的, 令人伤心的 She sighed and looked mournful. 她叹了口气, 显得很伤心。Thorny:棘手的, 困难多的, 痛苦的, 多障碍的,引起争论的 a thorny path 艰难的道路, 荆棘丛生的小路 a thorny subject problem 难题; 棘手的题目问题 The boys argued over the thorny points in the lesson. 孩子们辩论功课中的难点。vicious vicious criticism 恶意的批评恶的, 邪恶的 The drunkard led a vicious life. 这个醉汉过着堕落的生活。 残酷的, 狠毒的 He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick. 他朝着那只狗狠狠地打了一棍子。Rampant:(尤指疾病, 社会弊端)猖獗的; 无法控制的 Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country. 这个国家的农村地区疾病流行。Sophisticated老练的; 老于世故的 Mr. Smith is a sophisticated world traveler. 5史密斯先生是一位老练的环球旅行家。 精密的, 尖端的 This is a very sophisticated machine. 这是一台非常精密的机器。Deceitful:不诚实的; 骗人的appalling骇人听闻的 It is appalling that child was murdered. 那个孩子被害了, 令人震惊。 极糟的, 很严重的 That was an appalling waste. 那是极其严重的浪费。
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