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How do you feel?Part B( second period)教学目标:知识与能力目标句型能够运用What should I do?寻求解决问题的方法;能够熟练运用 You should 。疏导情绪或提出合理建议;词汇1. 能够听、说、读、写词组:see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten 等2. 能够正确使用上述词组对疏导他人情绪提出合理建议;情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标1. 渗透学会向别人寻求帮助;要懂得关心他人,为他人着想的情感态度教育2. 以任务教学法为导向,以创设情景导入,让学生在情景中感知学习。教学重点:用来疏导情绪的常用词组和句型教学难点:如何“对症下药”,对不同的情绪给予合理的建议教学准备:Multimedia, words cards, backboard.教学过程Teaching procedure:1、 Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Brainstorm.3. Look and say.How you feel?4. Lets singHow do you feel?2、 Presentation1. See a doctorT shows pictures and asks.T:Whats the weather like in the picture?S1: Its snowy.T:How does he feel?.S2: He feels cold.T: Look carefully, Whats wrong? Is he OK?S3:No. T: How does his mum feel?S4:She is angry.T: Lets think. What should he do?T: Lets watch this video. Whats about the cat?Ss: The cat is ill too.Think carefully, What should she do?T: Look and sayT: Chen Jie feels ill too. Where should she go? S1: She should go to the hospital. T: What should she do? S2: She should see a doctor.Read after teacher and tape.T: The girl is ill too. We can say_. Ss: You should see a doctor. 2. Wear warm clothes do more exerciseT: T: Look, he wears a T-shirt.T: Is it right?Ss: No.T: So he feels cold and ill. He goes to see a doctor. Doctor says:You should wear warm clothes.T: Oliver wears thin clothes and wants to go outside. Mum say:Its snowy outside. Its cold too. You should_.T: Look at the doctor. Is he thin?Ss: No.T: Doctor says they wear thin,so they are all ill. If they were you, what should you do?Ss: You should do more exercise. T: When you are Ok, you should do more exercise too. T: Look at the picture below. T: If Oliver wants to be strong. What should he do?Ss:he should do more exercise too.Lets play and say.3. take a deep breath and count to ten.T: Whats wrong with Oliver? What does John say? Lets see.T: Is Oliver happy?Ss: No. T: How does he feel?S1: He is angry.T: What should he do? Lets see and listen to Johns suggestion.take a deep breath and count to tenLets watch and say together.Ss: 5,4,3,2,1countT:What happened? Ss: The girl is angry. T: What should she do? S1: She should take a deep breath and count to ten.3、 Consolidation and extension1. Play cards game(cold, ill, angry, worried)Eg:S1:I feel.What should I do?S2:You should.2. Memory Game( Group1 PK Group2) You should.3. Let s make a new story about Peppa and George.Part1, Part2&Part34. To be healthy, What should we do? T: Give your suggestions. S1. S2.5.Lets sing again.4、 Homework1.Retell the story to your partner.2. Four-skilled words.(4 times)3.Make a healthy timetable for yourself.五、Board-designUnit 6 How do you feel?see a doctor ; wear warm clothesdo more exercise; take a deep breath and count to tenYou should.
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