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第2页 / 共5页
1 Quiz one Each question below contains five suggested choices. Choose the ONE BEST choice to each question. Ten points for each, 100 points in total. 1. A 50-year old man has blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg (normal blood pressure is 120/90 mm Hg ). If this person remains untreated for years, which of the following cellular alterations will be seen in the myocardium(心肌) A. atrophy B. metaplasia C. hypertrophy D. dysplasia E. necrosis 2. which of the following is the hallmark of wound healing: A. granulation tissue growth B. hypertrophy C. inflammation D. hyperemia E. edema of the following implies preservation of the basic outline of the involved cell for a span of at least some days A. Coagulative necrosis 2 necrosis C. Caseous necrosis D. Fat necrosis E. Gangrenous necrosis of the following has a cheesy, yellow-white appearance at the area of necrosis and is encountered most often in foci of tuberculous infection necrosis necrosis C. Caseous necrosis D. Fat necrosis E. Gangrenous necrosis of the following is NOT capable of regeneration A. Epithelial tissue B. Myocardium C. Skin E. Kidney deep vein thrombosis (DVT) causes edema by what mechanism 3 B. Lymphatic obstruction plasma colloid osmotic pressure D. Sodium retention hydrostatic pressure (arterial) emboli commonly arise from _ and most commonly lodge in the lower limbs and sometimes the brain. mural( 心壁) thrombi valvular(心瓣膜) thrombi vein thrombi D. Renal thrombi E. Hepatic thrombi 23- year old medical student develops a “red” face after being asked a question during a lecture. Which of the following statements best describes the vascular reaction A. active hyperemia B. petechial hemorrhage C. allergic reaction D. passive congestion E. edema 4 70 year old male after spending a month in the hospital confined to a wheel chair due to arthritis , suddenly experiences difficulty of breathing after walking on his own. What is the most likely diagnosis A. Pulmonary embolism B. Old age C. Sepsis(脓毒血症 ) D. Brochopneumonia (支气管肺炎) E. Heart failure arterial thromboemboli is most likely to cause a hemorrhagic infarct in which of the following organ A. Kidney B. Spleen C. Lung D. Bone E. Heart 5 A 45-year-old man died from encephalopathy. At autopsy, his liver is found to be enlarged, and the microscopic appearance is shown here. Which of the following etiologic factors most likely led to these findings A. nerosis
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