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五年级英语Unit4单元测试含答案 制卷人:审核人: 一、选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词。 ( )1. A. yearB. yellowC. family ( )2. A. putB. butC. sun ( )3. A. someB. motherC. box ( )4. A. useB. underC. excuse ( )5. A. yellowB. showC. flower 二、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. schoolB. penC. pencil ( )2. A. bedroomB. bathroomC. playground ( )3. A. skateB. wetC. dance ( )4. A. pianoB. footballC. basketball ( )5. A. ChineseB. ScienceC. subject 三、英汉互译。 1、喜欢跳舞 _2、read stories_ 3、在公园里_4、watch a film _ 5、擅长踢足球_6、a good idea _ 7、篮球打得好_8、a lot of ducks_ 1 9、弹钢琴_10、in winter _ 四、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。 1、Do your brothers have any h_ , Mary?Yes, they like reading. 2、I like s_ on the ice. 3、What do you like d_ in spring? I like fishing 4、I like pandas. I a_ like bears. 5、They are t_ sisters. They look the same. 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、Are there _ (some) rabbits in the zoo?Yes, there are. 2、Mr Green is good at _ (play) the guitar. 3、We all like _(climb)the mountain very much. 4、Lets _(go)shopping this afternoon. 5、_ she _ (have) yellow shoes? No, she doesnt. 六、单项选择。 ( )1、What does Lily like _?She likes _ . A. doing;dancing B. doing;runing C. do;running ( )2、Lets go skating this afternoon._. A. GreatB. No, thank youC. No, I dont ( )3、There _any books on the desk. 2 A. isntB. arentC. are ( )4、_ ! Theres a hole in the ground. A. Look out B. OK C. Great ( )5、Are you good at_ ?Yes, I like _. A. drawing;drawing B. draw;drawing C. drawing;draw ( )6、Whats your fathers hobby?He likes _. A. play chess B. plays chess C. playing chess ( )7、Jim likes playing football, but he _ like playing basketball. A. do not B. does not C. is not ( )8、_ Su Hai and Su Yang like growing flowers? Yes. They have the same hobby. A. Do B. Does C. Are () 9、Jim is good at English and he speaks Chinese _. A. goodB. fineC. well () 10、Dont _ in the reading room. A. shoutB. readC. write 七、找出对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。 ( )1、What does your mother like?A. At six. ( )2、What does he have?B. All right. 3 ( )3、Lets go and play table tennis.C. Yes, he can. ( )4、Do you like dogs?D. Yes, there are. ( )5、Wheres my toy plane?E. I like skating. ( )6、Happy New Year!F. No, I dont. ( )7、Are there any pictures on the wall? G. She likes singing. ( )8、Can he run fast?H. Happy New Year! ( )9、Whats your hobby?I. He has a lovely parrot. ( )10、What time do you get up?J. Its behind the door. 八、根据中文完成句子。 1、她的爸爸喜欢画画,他还擅长踢足球。 Her father _ _pictures, and he is also _ at football. 2、“李老师有什么爱好吗?”“有,她喜欢弹钢琴。” _ Miss Li have any hobbies? Yes,she _ _the _ . 3、我的弟弟有很多书。他喜欢阅读。 My brother _a _ _ books. He _ _. 4、我们是双胞胎,我爱跳舞,但她爱游泳。 We are _. I like _,but she _swimming. 答案 4 一、CACBC 二、ACBAC 三、like dancing;读故事;in the park;看电影;be good at playing football;一个好 主意;play basketball well;许多鸭子;play the piano;在冬天 四、hobbies;skating;doing;also;twin 五、any;playing;climbing;go;Does have 六、AABAA CBACA 七、GIBFJ HDCEA 八、likes drawing good playing Does likes playing piano has lot of likes reading twins dancing likes 5
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