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高考完形填空易错题型I动词僻义一 serve (僻义: 端上饭,菜 酒等 对起作用 ) (熟义:服务)08四川.Clearly I had made mistakes. I had started the evening wanting to have a happy time with my daughter but had allowed my desire to win to become more important than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win 34 me well. As a parent, I realized that it got in my way. So I had to change.34 A offered B served C controlled D taught 06全国A waiter appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to set the table and take their order,and then walked back to the loud cheers of the rest of his customers. Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went once more into the water to 50 the wine.The couple toasted each other ,the waiter and the crowd50. A. change B. drink C. sell D. serve 04全国It was the night before the composition was due. As I looked at the list of topics (题目) , The Art of Eating Spaghetti (意大利面条) caught my eye. The word spaghetti brought back the memory of an evening at Uncle Alien s in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 38 spaghetti for supper. Spaghetti was an exotic (外来的) treat in those days. 38 A cooked B served C got D made二run (僻义: 道路,街道等延伸 延展) (熟义:跑)三 fail (僻义:辜负使失望_) (熟义_:失败)08安徽There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book in hand. Of course, we may study with our guide-books the history and special developments of a town and get to know them. But then, if we take out time and stay in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we look at it as a whole, we begin to have some questions ,which even the best guide-books do not answer. Why is the town just like this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets 44 in this particular way, and not in any other why? Here even the best guide-book 46 us. One cant find in it the information about how a town has developed to the present appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) design of a town. 44. A. open B. run C. begin D. move46. A. helps B. tricks C. fails D. satisfies四 wear(僻义:表露态度,表情) (熟义:穿,戴)08重庆卷She rode the rest of the way home 52 a happy smile, with the money shed lost earlier forgotten.On the road of life, the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the journey will be when we make it a little smoother for others!52. A. giving B. wearing C. taking D. forcing五 break (僻义:撕裂表面 break the news把消息告诉某人间断 broken English 不流利的英语 ) (熟义:弄坏) 07 北京 “Im surprised, ”smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the result. “I really thought that only a few people wanted their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next task is to find a good band and line them up for the dance. ”Angela was all smiles and _54_ the news to Amy and Daniel. ”Youre amazing ”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance. 54. A. showed B. wrote C. broke D. read06湖南 “Whats up?”I asked .He answered in 47 English,“II no get money to buy book.”I took out two 500 naira notes.He looked around nervously before sticking his hand into the car for the bills.One thousand naira means a lot to a farmily that makes only 50,000 each year.47.A.old B.broken C.traditional D.modern六 pour (僻义:连续不断涌入,出) (熟义:倒,灌)07辽宁There he spent two years practicing, and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take overAfter hissuccessful performance at Chicagos Ravinia Festival, gigs(特邀演出) in Lincolns Center and Carnegie Hall started 54 in, Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots him, and lets himshine 54Apulling Bbreaking Cfalling Dpouring七 plant(僻义:牢固安置) (熟义:种植) 05辽宁卷Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians(挪威人)had beaten them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After 37 the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves before they started the 950-mile journey back.37AgrowingBputtingCplantingDlaying八measure(僻义:衡量) (熟义:测量)04天津“I would have given up on the first lap,”said another girl.“We were cheering for you.Did you hear us?”Suddenly I regained hope.I decided to stick with track next year.I realized strength and courage arent always 43 in medals and victories,but in the struggles we overcome.The strongest people are not always the people who win,but the people who dont give up when they lose 43.A.measuredB.praisedC.testedD.increased 九 film(僻义: 胶卷) (熟义:电影)十develop(僻义:冲印_) (熟义:发展)十一cover(僻义: 涉及,弥补损失) (熟义:覆盖) 04福建Not too long ago, an incident that
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