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,Wedding Dress,The background of wedding dress,西方婚礼服饰的演变 婚礼虽是世界各国自古以来就存在的仪式,但新娘在婚礼上穿婚纱的历史却不到年时间。新娘所穿的下摆拖地的白纱礼服原是天主教徒的典礼服。由于古代欧洲一些国家是政教合一的国体,人们结婚必须到教堂接受神父或牧师的祈祷与祝福,这样才能算正式的合法婚姻。所以,新娘要穿上白色的典礼服向神表示真诚与纯洁。,The evolution of Western wedding dress, wedding has existed since ancient times.but thehistory of bride wedding dress on is less than 200 years. The bride wore a white dress hem mopping the floor was originally a Catholic ceremony dress. Since ancient times in some European countries is a theocratic state system, people get married must go to the he church to pray and bless to accept the priest or minister, so as to balance the formal legal marriage. So, the bride should wear white dress to show their sincere and pureto God.,The first bridal veil,In 1840,the Britist queen Victoria get married,shewear a whrite dress thatmade of chinese brocade (锦缎),and the tail was18foot(尺), andwith a whiteveil(面纱),it from head to footof a pure white(纯白色)amazed at the queen victoria.its fast become a fashion.the bride (新娘)wear a white wedding dress is become to the tradition customs.,Wedding classification is based on : the curves of the femalbody,thin, transparent,gel,soft,smooth,light, dignified,subtle, hazycharacteristics,of fillinthe human body.weddings main style:A fonts wedding, Uprightwedding,Qiwedding,small tailing wedding,large tailing wedding,Tutu wedding, Coverallswedding, Suspenderswedding,Bra wedding,Plain wedding, Beaded wedding,Puff wedding,Princess wedding, Personal-type wedding, High waistline stylewedding.,婚纱分类的根据:通过女性人体曲线、薄、透、露、柔美、流畅、轻盈、端庄、含蓄、朦胧等特点尽显人体美。婚纱在款式上主要有:A字型婚纱:直身婚纱、齐地婚纱、小拖尾婚纱、大拖尾婚纱;蓬蓬裙型婚纱:连身婚纱、吊带婚纱、抹胸婚纱、素面婚纱、珠绣婚纱、泡泡袖婚;公主型婚纱:贴身型婚纱、高腰线型婚纱。,蓬裙型,Thecharacteristicsof thistraditional weddingisa fitted bodice,to tightenthe waistandfullskirt.Thewaistcan beright atthewaistcan also beslightly lower, or even placed inthepositionclosetothebuttocks. This style ofweddingdresswithpetticoat stereotypes,这种传统款式的婚纱的特点是合体的上身,收紧的腰部以及饱满的裙子。 腰线可以恰好在腰部,也可以略低一些,甚至可以放到接近臀部的位置。 这种款式的婚纱都配有定型用的衬裙,公主型,Petiteslimbride, you can choosethewaist designandleg lineslengthen. Chestfullofbride, you canchooseadeepnecklineorVshapedcollar,tomaketheneck moreslender.,适合: 娇小偏瘦的新娘,可以选择高腰设计,使腿部的线条拉长。 胸部饱满的新娘,可以选择深一些的领口或V形领,使颈部看起来更修长。,拖尾型Train,Dividedintoa large tail,a small tail . 40cmor lessissmallproptail, 40-80cmis middletail,more than80cmis large tail . Thetail wedding dressis more suitable fortraditionalchurches and otherplaces. Tail wedding dresslook moreformal,moresacred,分为大拖尾,小拖尾。 40cm以内的是小托尾,40-80cm的是中拖尾,80cm以上的是大拖尾。 拖尾婚纱更适合教堂等教传统的场所。 拖尾婚纱看起来更正式,更神圣。,Thehighwaististhe most distinctive featureofthiswedding.Fittingclose tothe chest,theskirtwasslightly A-shaped,fullyshowthelinesoftheshoulderand chest,waist and hipsare alsoa good cover.,王后型Princess,高高的腰线是此婚纱最鲜明的特征。在胸部合身紧贴,裙摆呈微A字形,充分展现肩和胸的线条,对于腰腹和臀部也有很好的掩饰。,This weddiing is very simple,according to the cueve of the body tailoring to fit the desigh,without petticoat.mostly it was made with excellent sag fabric of silk. Personaltype ofweddingcanhighlight thebodyandthemostmodern cuttingstyle in all style of weddiing. Inthe knee or slightlytorelease thefish-tail skirtweddingisthe most commonversionof thedeformationinthiswedding,此婚纱非常简洁,依身体曲线贴身剪裁的窄摆合身设计, 不用衬裙。大多用丝质、缎绸等具有极好下垂感的面料制成。 贴身型婚纱可说是所有婚纱款式中, 最能凸显体态美而且最具现代感的裁剪式样。 在及膝或略低处放开裙摆的鱼尾式婚纱是此婚纱中最常见的变形版。,贴身型,Handysize (轻便型),relaxing comfortable,
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