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2015-2016学年度八年级英语第一学期期中考试试卷一、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. Where did you _ on vacation last weekend?I _ to Shanghai with my father.A. went ; went B. go; went C. went ; go D; go go( ) 2. I dont want to read todays newspaper, because there is really_ in it.A. something interesting B. nothing interesting C, interesting something D, interesting nothing ( ) 3 . do you go to the mountains? Only once a year.A. How often B. How many times C. How long D How much( ) 4 .She is different her brother ,but she is similar her mother.A .from, from B. to, to C , to from D. from, to ( )5. We dont need a lot of friends they are good. A. as many as B. as much as C. as long as D, as well as ( )7.He is good running. Its good his health. Aat; at Bat; for Cfor; for Dfor; at ( )8. He tries to who did it. Alook for Bfound Cfind out Dlook after ( )9.All these talent shows have one thing common.Aon Bat Cin Dfor ( )10. I think the game show is , but someone thinks its much too _. Awonderful enough; bored Benough wonderful; boring Cwonderful enough; boring Denough wonderful; bored ( )11.Our teacher always asks us to English stories in class. Aget up Bcut up Cput up Dmake up ( )12.Sun Cinema is theater in the city. Acomfortable Bthe most comfortable Cmore comfortable Dthe most comfortably( )13. Where to go on vacation this year my mother to decide. Ais up to Bis up on Cup to Dup for ( )14.He has friends in this city, so he often stays at home. Aa few Bfew Clittle Da little ( )15.The girl isnt , but she sings very . Abeautiful; beautiful Bbeautifully; beautifully Cbeautiful; beautifully Dbeautifully; beautiful ( )16.We can get on the Internet. Alots of informations Bmuch informations Cmany informations Dmuch information ( )17.The boy gets online. He always works . Ahard; hard Bhardly; hardly Chard; hardly Dhardly; hard( )18 . its raining outside, they are still playing basketball.AAlthough; but BBut; although CAlthough; / DBut; / ( )19.The joke made all of us . Alaugh Bto laugh Claughing Dlaughed ( )20.Everyone needs to have eight hours sleep at night. Aat firs Bat last Cat all Dat least t 二. .阅读理解(20分)(A)Most people sleep at night, but Frank sleeps during the day and works at night. His work is to guard (看守) a large factory. He is lonely because nobody there talks with him in the evening.Frank likes his work. He knows that it is important to guard the factory at night. If he hears any noise, he goes quickly to see what it is. Most of the time he walks around inside the big building, but he also walks around outside. When he is tired, he can sit on a chair by the door. It is very cold in winter. He always wears a warm coat when he is working.One night when Frank went outside, he heard a noise near a dark corner of the factory. He went very quietly towards the noise to see if someone was there, but he only saw a small dog. Frank smiled and talked to the dog. It looked cold and sad. He took the dog inside the building, and the happy dog followed him around. During the rest of the night Frank was not lonely. A dog was a good friend for him. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F).() 1. Frank sleeps at night and works in the day. () 2. Frank doesnt think his job is important. () 3. Sometimes Frank walks around outside the big building. () 4. One night Frank saw a little dog sleeping at the gate of the factory. () 5. Frank took the dog home at once. (B)Many boys and girls love to watch TV. They spend many hours a day in front of the TV sets. But many parents let their children watch TV only in special(特定的) time. TV shows arent like books or movies. There are many types of shows, such as sitcoms , soap operas, sports shows, fashion shows, etc(等等). A child can learn good things and bad things from them. Some shows help children to understand(懂得) the news all over the world. Children dont have to go to the zoo to see animals. Boys and girls can see sitcoms, sports shows and game shows at home. Some shows teach children how to cook or how to use tools(工具) . Many boys and girls think it is fun to watch TV ,but it is also fun to read books, to play games or to visit friends.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空。(10分)( )6. Many boys and girls spend_.A. 4 hours on TV shows on Sunday B. 6 hours on TV shows every dayC. many hours a day in front of the TVs D. 8 hours a day ( )7. Many parents_. A. dont let their childre
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