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,Unit3 Amazing people,Nanjing NO.13 Middle School,Word power Different jobs,Brainstorming,Do you know their jobs?,Brainstorming,Teacher;,Worker;,Singer;,Soldier;,Word formation,Sunny Friendly Operation Impolite Careful/careless beautiful,Word formation,+ er + or + ant + ent + ist,Teach teacher Act actor Assist assistant Study student Type typist,Composer Thinker Editor Sailor Servant Dependent Physicist Scientist,Word formation,+ ist + ian + er,art artist music musician photograph photographer,Physicist Scientist Historian technician,Word formation,+ ist + ian,special specialist electric electrician,Waiter waitress Host hostess Actor actress Prince princess,Complete part A,Answers teacher (2)actor (3)electician (4)artist (5)photographer (6)musician,Complete part B,Look at the pictures and give explanations to the new words,A principle,A composer,A sculptor,An accountant,is a person who is in charge of a university , college or school.,is a person who writes music,is a person who has the talent of making solid objects representing people or animals out of stone, wood, day, etc.,is a person whose job is to keep and check financial accounts,Complete part B,Job words,composer,dealer,sculptor,the arts,education,business,accountant,musician,professor,principal,librarian,manager,Discussion Part C,Id like to be _ because _.,Qualities of being a good teacher, an accountant,Further discussion,Homework,Remember the words learned Preview Grammar and usage,Thanks!Bye!,
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