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Unit4Dont eat in class!Unit 4单词 (音标)rule rul n.规则;规章arrive ravv.到达(be) on time 准时hallway hlwe n.走廊;过道hall hln.大厅;礼堂dining hall餐厅listen ls()nv.听;倾听listen to听fight fatv. & n.打架;战斗sorry sradj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的outside atsad; atsadadv.在外面 adj. 外面的wear wev.穿;戴important mpt()ntadj.重要的bring brv.带来;取来uniform junfmn.校服;制服quiet kwatadj.安静的out atadv.外出go out 外出(娱乐)practice prktsv. & n.练习dish dn.碟;盘do the dishes清洗餐具before bfprep. & conj.在以前 adv.以前make (ones) bed铺床dirty dtadj.脏的kitchen ktnn.厨房more madj. & pron.更多的noisy nzadj.吵闹的relax rlksv.放松;休息read ridv.读;阅读terrible terb()ladj.非常讨厌的;可怕的feel filv.感受;觉的strict strktadj.严格的;严厉的be strict (with sb)(对某人)要求严格remember rmemb v.记住;记起follow flv.遵循;跟随follow the rules遵守规则luck lk n.幸运;运气keep kip v.保持;保留hair he n.头发;毛发learn ln v. 学习;学会Clark kla:k克拉克(姓;男名)Amy em埃米(女名)Mollyml莫莉(女名)New York nju: j:k纽约Unit4 知识梳理短语归纳1. on time准时,按时2. listen to听3. in class在课上4. be late for做迟到5. have to不得不6. be quiet安静7. go out外出8. do the dishes清洗餐具9. make breakfast做早饭10. make (ones) bed铺床11. be noisy吵闹12. keep ones hair short留短发13. play with sb.和某人一起玩14. play the piano弹钢琴15. have fun玩得高兴16. make rules制订规则用法集萃1. Dont +动词原形+其他。不要做某事。2. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事3. too many +可数名词复数太多的4. practice doing sth.练习做某事5. be strict with sb.对某人要求严格6. be strict in sth.对某事要求严格7. leave sth sp.把某物落在某地8. keep+宾语+形容词 使保持某种状态9. learn to do sth.学会做某事10. have to do sth.不得不做某事典句必背1. Dont arrive late for class. 上课不要迟到。2. Can we bring music players to school? 我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗?3. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 并且我们总是不得不穿校服。4. There are too many rules! 有太多的规则!5. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 不要把脏盘子留在厨房里!6. I have to keep my hair short. 我不得不留短发。话题写作主题:规则Dear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them.We cant arrive late for class. We cant talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We cant eat or drink in class, and we cant listen to music or play games in class.I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.Yours,Li MingUnit4 词汇讲解 1. arrive1)arrive 意为“到达”。arrive at+小地点,arrive in +大地点。例如: I will arrive in Beijing next week. 我下周到北京。I arrived at the small village on a cold morning.在一个寒冷的早晨我到达了那个小村庄。2)arrive 后面跟地点副词here, there, home时,不需要跟介词。例如:arrive home 到家 arrive here 到这儿注意: arrive late for与be late for是同义短语,都表示“做某事迟到”的意思。 arrive late for 强调动作晚,be late for 侧重状态晚。例如:Dont arrive late for the next test.Dont be late for the next test.下一次考试不要再迟到了。2. listenlisten 是不及物动词,意为“听,倾听”,强调听的动作,后面接宾语时要加上介词to。例如:We should listen to the teacher carefully.我们应该认真听老师讲课。Listen! Someone is singing in the garden.听! 有人在花园里唱歌。拓展:hear, listen和sound的辨析三个词都有“听”的意思,具体区别如下:hear 意思是“听说,听到”,侧重听到的内容。例如:I heard someone cry in the next room last night.昨晚我听见有人在隔壁哭。listen意思是“听”,侧重听的动作。例如: Listen! Someone is crying.听!有人在哭。sound作动词讲时是连系动词,意为“听起来”,后面跟形容词作表语,构成主系表结构。例如:It sounds good! 听起来不错!3. relaxrelax 作及物动词,意为“放松, 休息,使轻松”,第三人称单数为relaxes。例如:You work too hard; you should relax yourself.你工作太努力了,你应该放松一下你自己。 This song relaxes me. 这首歌使我心情舒畅。拓展:1)relaxed形容词,意为“感到轻松的”,常修饰人做表语。例如:He is relaxed after listening to music.听完音乐后,他感到轻松。2)relaxing 也是形容词,意为“令人轻松的”,常用来修饰物或者事情,可以作表语也可以作定语。例如: Its a relaxing trip. 这是一次令人轻松的旅行。 The film is very relaxing. 这部电影很令人放松。4. on timein timeon time 意为“按时,准时”,指按照规定的时间或者指定的时间做某事;而in time指“及时”,指不迟到或在规定的时间之前或者接近所规定的时间做某事。例如:We must arrive there on time.我们必须按时到达那里。At last, the police arrived there in time.最后警察及时赶到了那里。5. wear, put on, dressin1)wear是动词,它的意思是“穿”,它表示状态。例如: My father wears a T-shirt today. 我爸爸今天穿着T恤衫。2)put on的意思是“穿上、戴上”,它表示动作。例如:Its cold outside, put on your coat please.外面非常冷,请穿上你的大衣。3)dress 作动词时,表示“为穿衣”后接反身代词或人,也可以不接宾语。例如:Can you dress the baby for me?你能帮我给孩子穿衣服吗?4)in 表示穿着的状态,后接颜色或服装。例如: The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我姐姐。 The girl in hat is very beautiful. 戴帽子的女孩儿很漂亮。6. strictstrict 形容词,意为“严厉的,严格的”,在句子中可以做表语、定语。常用短语be strict with sb. 意为“对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth. 意为“对某事要求严格”。例如:She is a strict teacher.她是一个严格的老师。She is strict with her students and strict in her work.她对她的学生和工作要求严格。7. bringbring 动词,意为“带来;拿来”。例如:Bring your English book to my office.把你的英语书带到我办公室里来。辨析:bringtake1)bring指
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