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【杜拉拉们的英语秀】给分公司调配业务 给分公司调配业务(10:00 AM) Working on the Phone I can still remember my first phone call with a native speaker. I was expecting a call and when the phone actually rang, my heart just sunk. It was hard for me to overe such nervousness, but luckily I am over it now. Today I had to talk with the Burson-Marsteller San Francisco office to give them some detailed information on our client. It was a conference call. We started out by exchanging greetings but quickly moved on to business matters. I had to explain who our client was to my San Francisco colleagues. I started explaining the panys business areas, financial performance, and many other things. It was difficult for me to organize my thoughts together so that I wouldnt mumble during the meeting. But I guess I did a pretty good job today! TRANS 我还记得我第一次跟母语是英语的人通话的情景。 当时我正在等他的电话,突然电话铃响了,我感觉我的心猛地一沉。 想要克服那种焦躁感确实不是一件容易的事情,幸好,现在我已经克服了。 今天我要联系博雅公关旧金山公司,给他们提供委托人的详细情况。 这是一个电话会议。我们以互相问候开始谈话,然后马上谈转到工作上。 我向旧金山的同事们说明了委托人的情况。 我讲了公司的贸易和财务情况及其他很多内容。 刚开始时,理清思路是一件很难的.事情。 不过我今天做得不错! EXPRESSION 1. This is Ji-min Kim from the Seoul office. 我是首尔的金志玟。 A: Hello, this is Ji-min Kim from Seoul. B: Hi, this is Carolyn. Ill be leading the project here. 2. Let me give you a quick update on the current situation. 我想简要地说一下进程。 A: Let me give you a quick update on the current situation here. B: Yes, please. We need to confirm the schedule here. 3. Our clients schedule hasnt been fixed yet. 委托人的日程还没有确定下来。 A: So, is it OK to schedule an interview on September 9th? B: Our clients schedule hasnt been fixed yet. We will give you an update this afternoon. 4. Ill check and let you know. 我核对完后再告诉你吧。 A: Will there be an interpreter? B: Not sure yet. Ill check and let you know. REAL TALK Carolyn, did you see the e-mail that I sent yesterday? 卡洛琳,你看了我昨天给你发过去的邮件了吗? Yes. That annual report was very helpful. 嗯,你发过来的年度报告帮了我很大的忙呀。 I have a meeting with their PR team this afternoon, so Ill be able to get some updated information as well. 今天下午我跟他们的公关部门有个会议,会有最新数据。 OK. In the meantime Ill get our media profile ready. 好,在那之前我也会准备好媒体资料。 Thank you. Then, Ill talk to you later. 谢谢,那到时给你打电话。 Sure, bye. 好,再见。 杜拉拉们的英语秀 作者:韩金珉首 金智敏 金美善 金慧莲 翻译:千太阳 出版社:北京理工大学出版社 出版时间:xx年07月 本书由北京理工大学出版社授权英语,严禁转载 【杜拉拉们的英语秀】给分公司调配业务】相关文章: 1.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】开始工作 2.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】认识新的合作伙伴 3.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】智力激励会议 4.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】享受早午餐 5.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】准备上班 6.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】开始新的一天 7.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】在上班的路上 8.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】截稿日 9.【杜拉拉们的英语秀】交易协议 内容仅供参考
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