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1 教学内容 课题 :phonics for kids1(字母 B) 教学对象: 一年级学生 教学重点: 1. 字母 B的字母操及代表单词(Benny Bear,ball)的认读。 2.字母 B的发音 b 及例词( bat,bad,lab)的拼读。 教学难点: 代表单词的认读及例词的拼读较难。 教学目标: 1、能规范做出字母B的字母操。 2、能正确认读字母B的代表单词和发音b 的例词。 教学步骤 一、Greeting 1. Good afternoon,girls! 2. Introducing myself. 二、Warming Up (control game:hide and seek) 1. Dividing the class into two teams and ask the students their team name. 2. Introducing the control game and asking one student to do a demo. 3. Reviewing the letter Aa. 三、Letter Presentation 1.Telling a story of Benny Bear to present the letter B. 2.Presenting the exercise of big B,the students guess. 3.Presenting the sound of the big B,the small b,and do the gesture accordingly. 4.Presenting the example word ball,asking the students to guess the meaning of ball according my body language. 四、Letter Practise 1.All class do the exercise of B. 2.Doing the exercise of B by one team at a time. 3.Two of students from different team have a match of doing the exercise of B. 五、Sound Presentation and pracise 1.Teaching students spelling the example words(bat,bad ,lab). 2.Two students have a match of spelling the example words. 3.Passing the sticky ball game. 4.Teacher says letter ,the students say sound. 六、Letter Writing Teaching students how to write the letter B and b in English exercise book. 七、Conclusion 2 Doing the exercise with the students. 八、Homework 1.Showing the exercise of B in front of parents. 2.Writing the letter B and b,Benny Bear ,ball ,3 times each one.
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