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Unit 6 My e-friend 第三课时Teaching time教学时间:Teaching contents 教学内容:Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives : 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词和句型:tomorrow, fishing, sit by, wait, Dont worry.;2. 能理解Cartoon time故事大意并有感情地朗读表演;3. 复习巩固Grammar time,能针对朋友的情况进行问答。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能理解Cartoon time故事大意并有感情地朗读表演。教学难点:1. 学生能够使用不同句型来描述自己的或猜测别人的网友;2. 熟练地询问他人的情况。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. Free talk. (师生问答)Do you like ? What subjects do you like?Des he/she like ? What subjects does he/she like?【设计意图:与学生自由交谈,在平等和谐的氛围中,投入英语学习。】2. Ask and answer in pairs. (PPT呈现主要句型)【设计意图:用老师给出的关键句,学会询问他人的情况。】3. Think and say.T: What questions can help you to know about new friends?【设计意图:通过上一步的问答,总结出关键词,为下一步介绍朋友做准备。】4. About Peter.以小组为单位,介绍Peter,可以用上刚才讨论的关键词。【设计意图:既是对本单元Story time的复习,又是对上一环节的巩固,引导学生用自己的语言描述书中的人物,源于课文,高于课文。】Step 2 Cartoon time1. About Sam.T: What does Sam like doing?S1: Does Sam like swimming?S2: Does Sam like ing?T: He likes fishing. (新授fishing, go fishing)2. Watch and answer. T: Who is good at fishing? (播放动画) S: Sam.3. Read and answer. Is Bobby good at fishing? 学生自读图1,找出相关句子。4. Read and underline. 学生两人一组,默读图2至图4,找出下列问题的答案,并将关键句画出来。Where do Bobby and Sam sit?Does Sam have many fish?Do fish really eat oranges?5. Reading time.(1) Read after the tape.(2) Read in groups of four and choose your own way.【设计意图:通过猜测Sam的爱好导入动画,分步解读故事,一系列的活动设计层层推进,不仅关注到了学习兴趣,更关注到了学生的学习过程。模仿朗读和自主选择朗读方式则较好地训练了学生的语音语调。】6. Lets retell.Bobby and Sam eat _ at a _ _. They decide (决定) to _ _ tomorrow. _ is good at fishing, but Bobby isnt. So Sam _ Bobby. They sit _ the _. Bobby gives fish some _, but fish dont eat them. At last, Sam has many fish, But Bobby _ have _.【设计意图:听说过后,回归读写。这一练习的设计训练了学生的综合能力,既能较好地考察学生理解故事的能力,也对书面表达能力进行了考察。】7. Lets imagine.Can Bobby catch any fish at last? Bobby最后能钓到鱼吗?展开合理的想象,和同伴们编个小故事吧!【设计意图:故事续编可以训练学生的想象能力和思维能力,将课内的学习延伸到了课后。】Homework 家庭作业1. Read Unit 6 Cartoon time.2. Try to retell the story to your friends.3. Add an ending to the story. 板书设计:Unit 6 My e-friend Sam Bobbybe good at fishing Dont worry.many fish tomorrow sit by the river教学反思:_
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