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1,葡萄酒专业知识,初级基础 Level 1,2,I Wine History II Alcoholic Beverages III Definition of Wine IV Components of wine V Types of wine,I 葡萄酒历史 II 含酒精饮料 III 什么是葡萄酒 IV 葡萄酒的组成 V 葡萄酒种类,Table of Contents目录,3,VI Main WineCountries VII Main Grape Varieties VIII Wine Labels IX Wine tasting X Wine & health,VI 主要葡萄酒产国 VII 主要葡萄品种 VIII 酒标 IX 葡萄酒品尝 X 葡萄酒与健康,Table of Contents目录,4,中东里海 美索布达米亚,葡萄酒历史,公元5000前,古埃及,公元2500前前,古希腊,公元1600年前,古罗马帝国,公元1000年前,法国高卢 西班牙 德国 奥地利,公元400年前至公元100年,公元1400-1600年,南非 墨西哥 阿根廷,1769,加利福尼亚(美国),澳大利亚 新西兰,1788-1819,5,Middle Asia Caspian Sea Mesopotamia,Wine History,5000 BC,Ancient Egypt,2500 BC,Ancient Greece,1600 BC,Roman Empire,1000 BC,Gaul (France) Spain Germany Austria,400 BC-100 AD,1400-1600,South Africa Mexico Argentina,1769,California (USA),Australia New Zealand,1788-1819,6,II Alcoholic Beverages II 含酒精饮料,7,Fruit-based alcoholic beverages Eg: Wine 水果酿制的含酒精饮料 例如: 葡萄酒 Grain or vegetable based alcoholic beverages Eg: Beer, Chinese rice wine, Sake 谷类和蔬菜酿制的酒精性饮料 例如:啤酒,中国黄酒,日本清酒,Fermented Alcoholic Beverage发酵型酒精饮料,During the fermentation process, yeast converts sugar into alcohol and Co2 在发酵期间,酵母把糖份转化为酒精和二氧化碳,8,Distilled Alcoholic Beverage蒸馏型酒精饮料,History: Mesopotamia 3500BC - First Distillation used for perfume making 历史: 美索布达米亚,公元前 3500年 第一次蒸馏用于香水的制造 Distillation: Separation of liquids by evaporation 蒸馏: 利用蒸发原理将液体分开 Spirits: Distilled drinks produced by concentrating the alcohol present in a fermented liquid. 烈酒: 利用蒸馏原理浓缩酒精度 Liquors: Sweetened or flavored spirits 利口酒: 加香和增甜的烈酒,9,A few distilled alcoholic beverages: Whisky Vodka Rum Tequila Brandy 一些经过蒸馏得到的酒精性饮料: 威士忌 伏特加 朗姆酒 龙舌兰酒 白兰地 Tips: Cognac is a brandy produced exclusively in the Cognac region in France 小知识: 干邑是法国干邑地区特产的白兰地,Distilled Alcoholic Beverage蒸馏型酒精饮料,10,Summary 摘要,Alcoholic Beverages 含酒精饮料 1) Fermented Alcoholic Beverages发酵型酒精饮料 2) Distilled Alcoholic Beverages 蒸馏型酒精饮料 Wine belongs to fermented alcoholic beverages 葡萄酒属于发酵型酒精饮料,11,Ripe & Healthy Grapes 成熟健康的 葡萄 Crush the berries, release the juice and add yeast to the must. 压榨浆果, 使果汁流出并把酵母加入混合物 Fermentation converts sugar into alcohol 发酵把糖份转化为酒精 WINE IS FERMENTED GRAPE JUICE 葡萄酒是经过发酵的葡萄汁,III Definition of Wine 葡萄酒的定义,12,IV Components of Wine,Flavor Compounds (0.1%) Color & Tannins (in red wines) (0.3%) Acids (1%) Sugar (0.1% dry - 8% sweet) Alcohol (10% table wines, 20% fortified wines) Water (80%-90%),Notes: Approximate percentages by weight,13,IV 葡萄酒成分,含香物质 (0.1%) 色素和丹宁 (红葡萄酒) (0.3%) 酸 (1%) 糖份 (0.1% 干 - 8% sweet甜) 酒精 (餐酒10%, 加强葡萄酒20%) 水份 (80%-90%),注: 以上为重量的大约百分比,14,V Types of wine V 葡萄酒种类,15,Types of Wine (By wine making process),Champagne,Cava,Port, Sherry,Red,White,Rose,SPARKLING WINE,STILL WINE,FORTIFIED WINE,Other Sparkling wines,16,葡萄酒种类 (按生产工艺分),香槟酒,加瓦,钵酒,雪利酒,红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,玫瑰酒,汽泡酒,普通葡萄酒,加强葡萄酒,其他汽泡酒,17,Types of Wine (By service sequence during a meal),Aperitif (Dry sherry, Champagne, Dry white) Table Wine ( Red, White, Rose ) Dessert Wine ( Botrytis, Ice wine, Port, Late Harvest) Digestive ( Liquors, Grappa ),Sugar,alcohol,low,high,low,high,Beginning of the meal,End of the meal,18,葡萄酒种类 (按用餐时上酒顺序 ),餐前酒 (干雪利酒,香槟酒, 干白葡萄酒) 餐酒 ( 红, 白, 玫瑰葡萄酒 ) 甜酒 ( 贵腐酒, 冰酒, 钵酒 , 晚丰收葡萄酒) 餐后消化酒 ( 利口酒, 果渣酒 ),糖份,酒精,低,高,低,高,用餐开始,用餐结束,19,Old World旧世界 France法国 2* Italy意大利 1* Spain西班牙3*,New World新世界 USA美国 4* Australia澳大利亚6* Chile智利 Argentina 阿根廷5* New Zealand新西兰 South Africa南非,*Top six producers in volume 产量前六名国家,VI Main Wine Countries 主要葡萄酒产酒国,(Southern hemisphere + USA) 南半球美国,(European Countries) 欧洲国家,20,Wine producing areas are generally concentrated between30 to 50 latitude on both northern and southern hemispheres,21,Old World VS New World旧世界VS新世界,Integrate more the soil and climate factors. “Terroir” 更能在酒中结合土壤气候特征 Long tradition and history 悠久历史和传统,Good visibility to the consumers 客人容易理解 Main factor is the grape variety 主要根据葡萄品种 Consistent weather 相应气候,Difficult visibility to the consumers 客人不易理解 Lots of regulations 很多规则,Too much standardization 标准太多 Not been produced for long ageing 储存时间较短,Old world 旧世界,( European Countries 欧洲国家 ),( Southern hemisphere + USA 南半球 美国 ),Pros 优点,New World 新世界,Cons 缺点,22,典型旧世界国家,法国酒 拥有两千年酿酒工艺,品质经典,被投资客和收藏家追捧的世界名酒多是法国的列级名庄。 德国酒 德国是雷司令的故乡,酒香馥郁,口感清爽,酒精度低。适合不太能喝酒的人及刚入门者。 西班牙酒 葡萄种植面积居世界第一、产酒量排第三。酒品感觉惊艳,仿佛处于过去与未来的交替中。 意大利酒 世界最大的葡萄酒生产国,出口量与法国并列前茅。气泡酒、混合葡萄酒等较为有名。,23,典型新世界国家,澳洲酒 新兴葡萄酒国,价廉物美。葡萄酒以口感丰腴,并带有巧克力和水果香为其特色。 阿根廷酒 新世界葡萄酒代表性国家。红葡萄酒是阿根廷最好的酒,这里有很多优秀的葡萄品种。 智利酒 智利酒非常容易饮,风格明朗,浓郁丰厚,性价比不错,口味方面适合于亚洲消费者。 美国酒 90%的美国酒在加州酿造,葡萄酒品种非常多样化,从日常餐酒,到高级葡萄酒都有。,24,新旧世界采摘比较,25,VII Grape Varieties 葡萄品种,26,Summary摘要,8,000 grape varieties known in the world 世界上目前已知的葡萄品种有8000种 1,000 grape varieties used for wine around the world 世界上大约有1000种葡萄被制成葡萄酒 200 traditionally used in I
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