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在线学习是通过计算机互联网,或是通过手机无线网络,在一个网络虚拟教室与教室进行网络授课、学习的方式。目前的在线学习已经不局限于此,目前网上有完善的在线学习平台系统例如像丁博士。这样的学习平台系统可以智能地将一个云题库与平台对接根据你的学习需要去完成你的学习目标。例如学生可以在线学习与自己学习同步的课程体系然后同步作答题目,作答完成后由系统智能为你呈现解题过程辅助你提高学习成绩。 随着互联网的发展,教育行业在十年前就推广远程教育,通过互联网虚拟教室来实现远程视频授课,电子文档共享,从而让教师与学生在网络上形成一种授课与学习的互动;而现在的 3G时代的来临让更加方便的学习不仅仅通过笨重的计算机,只要一个可以有大流量通的手机,通过 3G 的快速网络推进,我们就能更方便的直接地通过手机等掌上工具在线学习,而无线的网络使得人们的日常互动变得更加的有效!!Online learning is through the Internet or via mobile phone to a wireless network, a network of network virtual classroom and the classroom instruction, learning how. Current online learning is not limited to, the Web has a comprehensive online learning platform systems such as Dr Ting. This learning portal system can intelligently to a cloud database platform-butt your learning needs to accomplish your learning goal time. Such as student online learning classes on synchronization system with himself and synchronous reply topic, intelligent answer is completed by system renders for you assisted your studying problem-solving results. As Internet of development, education industry in ten years Qian on promotion remote education, through Internet virtual classroom to implementation remote video taught, electronic document shared, to let teachers and students in network Shang formation a taught and learning of interactive; and now of 3G era of comes let more convenient of learning not only through heavy of computer, as long as a can has large flow pass of phone, through 3G of fast network promoting, we on can more convenient of directly to through phone, Palm tools online learning, Wireless network makes peoples day-to-day interactions become more effective!所谓 E-Learning,即为在线学习。是指在由通讯技术、微电脑技术、计算机技术、人工智能、网络技术和多媒体技术等所构成的电子环境中进行的学习,是基于技术的学习。 知行堂的学习教练肖刚将 E-Learning 定义为:通过应用信息科技和互联网技术进行内容传播和快速学习的方法。E-Learning 的“E”代表电子化的学习、有效率的学习、探索的学习、经验的学习、拓展的学习、延伸的学习、易使用的学习、增强的学习。 企业的 E-Learning 是通过深入到企业内部的互联网络为企业员工提供个性化、没有时间与地域限制的持续教育培训方式,其教学内容是已经规划的、关系到企业未来的、关系到员工当前工作业绩及未来职业发展目标的革新性教程。 E-Learning 概念一般包含三个主要部分:以多种媒体格式表现的内容;学习过程的管理环境;以及由学习者、内容开发者和专家组成的网络化社区。在当今快节奏的文化氛围中,各种机构都能够利用 E -Learning 让工作团队把这些变化转变为竞争优势。企业通过实施 E-Learning 具有的优势:灵活、便捷,员工可以在任何时间、任何地点进行;通过消除空间障碍,切实降低成本;提高了学习者之间的协作和交互能力。但是我们也要看到在实施 E- Learning 的过程中存在局限性和应该注意的问题。The so-called E-Learning, that is, for online learning. Refers to the communications technologies, micro-computer technology, computer technology, artificial intelligence, network technology and multimedia technology, posed by the electronic environment for the conduct of the study, is a technology-based learning. Knowing the learning coach gang Xiao Tong the E-Learning is defined as: through the use of information technology and Internet technology for content dissemination, and quick way to learn. E-Learning e stands for e-learning, learning an efficient learning, exploration, learning experiences and expand learning, extended learning, enhanced learning to learn, easy to use. Enterprise E-Learning is through deep into their intranet-Internet provides employees with a personalized, dont have the time and geographical constraints of continuing education training, the teaching content of which is already planned, related to the future, related to the employee current performance and future career goals of innovative tutorial. E-Learning concepts generally contain three main parts: performance in a variety of media formats; learning management environment; and by learners, content developers and experts in networked communities. In todays fast paced culture, various institutions have to take advantage of E-Learning let the team put the change into a competitive advantage. Enterprises by implementing E-Learnings advantages: flexibility, convenience, an employee may at any time, any place through removing obstacles to space, and reduce costs; improves collaboration and interaction among learners. But we should also be noted in the course of implementing the E-Learning limitations and should pay attention to the problem
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