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,Unit 2 Sports Events Reading,吴佳玲 崇真中学 2014.5.7.,The Olympic Games,巴西Brazil 的 里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro ri:u d dniru (第一个举办奥运会的南美洲国家),Enjoy a song.,2016年里约热内卢奥运会主题曲theme song,众神降临里约 The gods came to Rio,the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in .,the biggest city,capital,feedback for preparation,How much do you know about the Olympic Games?,when it comes to olympic games, lets have a feedback for preparation.,Swifter! Higher! Stronger,Olympic motto,1984,Los Angles,It has its own motto: Play Part In History 参与历史,But,Five rings Five continents,Europe,Asia,Africa,America,Oceania,Olympic Flag,Mascot 吉祥物,Barcelona1992,Atlanta1996,Sydney2000,Athens2004,London 2012,Official Mascots (吉祥物)of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,fish,panda,Tibetan antelope,swallow,torch,Olympic Emblem,(会徽),gold,silver,bronze,Olympic Medals,All the athletes compete for medals.,Mr Johnson ( IOC ),Reading strategy,Reading a speech,International Olympic Committee,A speech is a formal talk that a person gives to an audience.,keep the audience interested all the time.,1.tell interesting stories,2.use quotations 3.present statistics ,4.ask questions,A good speaker should,What is a speech?,ways to make a good speech,Read the speech quickly to get the answers,Fast Reading,Who was Pierre de Coubertin,Fast reading,Pierre de Coubertin,Frenchman,the Olympics,the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace,the father of modern Olynpic Games,listening for structure,beginning,end,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:,(Para. _),the _of the speech,(Para. _),the _ and _ of the Olympic Games,(Para. _),some famous sports _ and their great _,(Para. _),the _ of the speech,topic,history,significance,stars,contributions,end,1,2-4,5-8,9-10,2. Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?,A,B,C,D,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,Get detailed information,Detailed reading,Part II the history & significance of .,Detailed reading,When did the ancient Olympic Games begin? Where were they held and how often? what ancient sports can still be seen today? Who could compete at the ancient Olympic Games?How about the contemporary Olympic Games today?,When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?,Where were they held and how often?,In the year 776BC,At Olympia in Greece every four years,What ancient sports can still be seen today?,the long jump, wrestling , running.,basketball,badminton,different kinds of sports in comtemporary Olympics,in modern Olympics, there are many olympic sports and events,Table tennis,gymnastics,fencing,boating,weightlifting,shooting,cycling,skating,溜冰,skiing,滑雪,diving,boxing,Who could compete at the ancient Olympic Games?How about the contemporary Olympic Games today?,The athletes were all men at the ancient Olympics Games. But today, both male and female athletes from around the world can take part no matter what nation they come from.,history,The ancient Olympics,The contemporary Olympics,776BC,1896,Athens,athletes from around the world,in _,all _ wearing _ _ women,men,no clothes,single,in_,in_,both _ and _,male,female,Part III athletes and achievements,Detailed reading,Six,Muhammad Ali,Michael Jordan,Zhang Ning,Xu Haifeng,Deng Yaping,Liu Xiang,Muhammad Ali,American,1. won the _medal for America in the 1960 Rome Olympics,2. went on to win the 1st World Heavyweight _Championship in 1964,3. returned to _ the Olympic flame at the _ceremony in Atlanta in 1996,gold,Boxing,light,opening,Michael Jordan,American,help the USA _team win the gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics,2. won the _ Olympic gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics as a member of the so-called _,basketball,Dream Team,2nd,won _gold medals at the 1992 & 1996 Olympics,won the_gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics,the 1st _to win the gold medal in mens 110-meter hurdles at the 2004 Athens Olympics,hung on to win the gold medal in the _match,first,4,Asian,final,extension,What fine qualities (品质) do you think these athletes have in common?,1. They work very hard to achieve their aims. 2. They have passion/love for both sports and their countries. 3. They are not satisfied with the present and they struggle for better.,Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。,proverb(谚语),From these athletes, we know that qualities of people are very important. So, as a student in Chongzhen Middle School, what qualities should we have to make our school more beautiful? adj.,fine qualities,hardworking努力的 kind-hearted热心的 grateful 心存感激的 active积极的 cautious谨慎的 generous慷慨的 responsible有责任的 intelligent聪明的,confident自信的 independent独立的 patient有耐性的 determined坚决的 positive积极的 brave勇敢的 optimistic乐观的 strong-minded 意志坚强的,Consolidation,Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the text.,significance,ancinet,began,clothes,first,dream,memb
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