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1,Module1 Using my five senses,Revision,2,take off put in go down go off ask at first 方位词,- put on - take out - rise - go on - answer - at last,3,闭上眼睛 在Alice家 在葡萄架上 围坐在桌旁 在他的院子里 在晴朗的下午 骑玩具车 在那儿 在海边 在地板上 高高地在空中 打开电筒 一点也不酸 多好的葡萄啊!,close you eyes at Alices home on a vine sit around the table in his yard on sunny afternoons ride a toy car over there at the beach on the floor high in the sky shine the torch not sour at all What nice grapes!,4,Look the sun. In the morning, It _behind the hill.,At noon, the sun _ high in the sky. The trees shadow _ short.,The sun _in the evening, The trees shadow _ long again.,rises,is,grows,goes down,grows,5,_ a sunny morning, Henry the dog walks _ the road. Henry _ a sound. He looks _ and _ a black shape _ him. Henry is _. Henry runs _, but the black shape follows _. Henry stops. He _ at the black shape. It _ too. He is not afraid now. Henry _ his new friend. He likes play _ it.,On,hears,back,sees,behind,afraid,away,him,looks,stops,likes,with,down,6,There are _ brothers. They cannot_ anything. They are _. One day a man comes with his _. The four brothers _ see the elephant, but they can _ and _ it. One brother touches the elephants tooth and says the elephant is _. Another brother touches its _ and says it is big and_. Another_ touches its _ and says it is big and _. The last brother touches its tail and says the elephant is _.,four,see,blind,elephant,can not,touch,feel,smooth and hard,leg,thick,brother,ear,soft,long and thin,7,1. Peter _ (play) football every Saturday. 2. My shadow _(go) to school with me. Linda and I _(like) reading English together. My father _(drive) his car to the office. The dog _(drink) milk. The flower _(grow) big and beautiful. In spring, it often _(rain). _ (Taste) the cherry juice , Peter.,Exercises,plays,goes,like,drives,drinks,grows,rains,Taste,8,Where does the sun rise? It rises behind the hill. When is sun high in the sky? Its noon. At noon. Do you have shadow? Yes, I do. Does the shadow grow long or short in the evening? It grows long.,9, i _ _ e _ _ : _ _ u: _ _,year,pair,bear,deer,blue,lawn,skirt,purse,Laura,room,10,
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