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人教版高中英语 选修八 Unit 35 课时练习.单项填空1(2012年江苏卷,25)There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent,_?Ais there Bisnt thereCis he Disnt he解析:考查反意疑问句。主语为第三人称,应该对主句进行反意提问。little 表示否定,所以用is there 进行反意提问。答案:A2He sat there letting _ sand fall slowly through his fingers.Aa piece of Ba number ofCa handful of Da loaf of解析:句意为:他坐在那里,让手中的一把沙子慢慢从指缝间流下。a piece of“一块”;a number of“许多”;a handful of“一把”;a loaf of常与bread连用。因为sand是不可数名词,故只能选C来修饰。答案:C3Children under six are not admitted to school except those of _ intelligence.Aextraordinary BavailableCflexible Dcommon解析:extraordinary意为“非凡的,超群的”。句意为:六岁以下的孩子不允许上学,除非他们的智力超群。其他选项不符合句意。B项意为“可利用的”,C项意为“灵活的”,D项意为“普通的”。答案:A4The secretary is very careful and she never _ any little points.Anotices BdeletesCoverlooks Dundertakes解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:那个秘书是个很细心的人,她从不忽视细节。overlook“忽视,忽略”。notice“注意”;delete“删除”;undertake“担任,承揽;保证”。答案:C5(2012年福建龙岩一模)Tom is very young.But _ working ability,hes much more experienced than others.Ain praise of Bin face ofCin need of Din terms of解析:句意为:汤姆很年轻。但是在工作能力方面,他要比其他人有经验的多。A项“赞扬”;B项“面对”;C项“需要”;D项“在方面,就而言”,根据句意选D。答案:D6He went back to the hall to try his _ at finding his lost gold watch,but never found it.Afortune BbestCresult Dhard解析:try ones fortune at doing sth.“碰运气做某事”。若选B项,应用try ones best to do sth.。答案:A7If there is anything you want,please dont _ to ask me.Astop BmindChesitate Dpause解析:hesitate to do.“做犹豫不决”,符合题意。stop“停止”;mind“介意”;pause“暂停”。答案:C8My enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually _ because of their countless failures.Adisappeared BfadedCran out Dgave up解析:考查动词辨析。fade是指(声音、热情)渐渐消失,或颜色褪色。句意为:由于中国足球队接二连三的失败,我对他们的热情逐渐地消失了。A项意为“消失”;C项意为“用尽”;D项意为“放弃”。答案:B9Some inventions are well received,but _ function,they arent very successful.Aaccording to Bin terms ofCregardless of Dowing to解析:考查固定短语辨析。according to意思是“根据,按照,取决于”;in terms of“依据,按照,在方面”;regardless of“不管,不顾”;owing to“由于,因为”。根据句意,应该选择in terms of。答案:B10The 3G mobile phone has come into the market.Really?It is said to be superior _ any other model.I cant wait to buy _.Ato;one Bthan;oneCto;it Dthan;it解析:考查短语和代词。be superior to表示“比好”;第二个空代指一个3G手机,所以A项正确。答案:A.完成句子11这本书大受读者好评,但是在实际销售方面不是很成功。The book has been well received by the readers,but _ _ _ _ _,it hasnt been very successful.答案:in terms of actual sales12他被判有罪,处以枪决。He was found guilty and _ _ _ _.答案:condemned to be shot13他试图冒充职业医生。He tried _ _ _ _ _ a qualified doctor.答案:to pass himself off as14一般而言,女性寿命比男性长。Generally _,women live longer than men.答案:speaking15当你关掉它时,声音渐渐消失。When you turn it off,the sound _ _ gradually.答案:fades out.完形填空Today my son Nic and I drove to a town just over from our own.He wanted to watch a _16_ for all the hard work he put in this year in school.He was diagnosed with ADHD(多动症),but _17_ to be on the honor roll(光荣榜) for half the school year.I am so incredibly _18_ of him!Besides,this child of mine has the most _19_ heart and always sends love to others.We went to the ticket office.We stood in the _20_ and waited for our _21_.My son looked over and saw a young man in his army uniform.He spotted Nic too and let Nic buy his ticket first when his turn _22_.Nic asked me _23_ he could give the young man a smile card we made on our own.I nodded my head,so he _24_ right up to that man and said “Thank you!” and _25_ him the card.I have never _26_ two bigger smiles in my life.After we watched the popular game,as we were _27_ the football stadium,we walked back through the ticket office.We each had five smile cards left.We just _28_ handing them out.I _29_ two construction workers who had just gone off work and it was only noon.I will never _30_ one of the mens faces.He looked so _31_.However,when I just set the _32_ before him and said “Have a great day!”,he gave me a warm smile and looked energetic at once.His smile has kept me _33_ all day,This has been one of the _34_ and one of the worst days of my life.My son left about an hour ago to _35_ his dad,whom I have been divorced from for six months and is now living in a different city,but I know my son and I will remember the happiness of this day,not the sadness!16A.gift BbargainCgame Dfilm解析:由第_空所在句子中的the popular game可知,“我”和儿子开车到另一个城镇去看一场他所喜爱的“比赛(game)”。答案:C17A.managed BrememberedCfailed Ddreamt解析:根据上句中他努力学习的事实得出:他“设法(managed)”上了光荣榜。答案:A18A.informed BproudCaware Dafraid解析:儿子学
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