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What kind of sports are they?,Do you like sports?,Module 8 Sports life,外研九年级上册,Unit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.,Words review,stand for memory point decision excuse,是的缩写;代表 n.记忆;回忆 n.比分 n.决定 n.(辩解的)理由;借口,noon seat no way fair kick mad,n.中午;正午 n.座椅;座位 绝不;不可能 adj.公平的;合理的 n.踢 adj.生气的;恼火的,Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and describe it.,What are they doing?,Do you like the game?,Who is your favourite sports star?,Are you in the school sports team?,Listening and Vocabulary,Listen and complete the sentences.,1 Tonys basketball matches are held _ Saturday. 2 If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over _ points in a match, it can play in the competition. 3 Tonys team BIG stands for Beijing _ Giants. 4 BTGs _ think they are fantastic.,every,fifty,International,fans,When do you hold your basketball matches? Every Saturday. Whos allowed to play in the Beijing Schools Basketball Competition? If a school team in Beijing wins a match, or scores over fifty points in a match, it can play in the competition.,Dad:,Tapescript,Tony:,Dad:,Tony:,And whats your team called? BIG. What does BIG stand for? Beijing International Giants. I think well win the competition. And our fans think were fantastic! Well, good luck!,Dad:,Tony:,Dad:,Tony:,Dad:,Listen and read.,Lingling: Hi, Tony, you look tired. Tony: Yes. Im training for the big match next week. Betty: Who are you playing against? Tony: HAS. Lingling: What does HAS stand for?,是的缩写,代表,Tony: Haidian All Stars. Betty: Oh, yes. Itll be a difficult match. Didnt they beat you last time? Tony: Yes, they did. But . Lingling: What was the score?,Betty: If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52. Tony: But Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time. That was a bad decision. We cant play well without him. Lingling: Thats no excuse!,Tony: But Daming is back now. Theres no difference between the two teams this season. Betty: When is the match? Tony: Its next Saturday at noon, but if you want good seats, you should come by 11:30. Are you coming?,在中午,Betty: Im not sure. Do you think theyll win, Lingling? Lingling: No way! How many matches have you played against HAS this year? Tony: Well, about three. Betty: And how many have HAS won? Tony: Er most of them.,决不,不可能,Betty: Wrong! All of them! Face the truth, Tony. Youve got no chance! Tony: I dont agree. Thats not fair! (Tony leaves angrily.) Lingling: Remember to throw the ball, not kick it, Tony!,面对现实,Betty: Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong! Lingling: Nice work, Betty! I do hope they win this time. Well be there to cheer for them.,做得好,为高兴,Everyday English,Thats no excuse! No way! Face the truth! Youve got no chance! Nice work!,Now complete the table.,HAS,BIG,HAS 98,BIG 52,next Saturday at noon,BIG,Task 1,1. HAS stands for Haidian All Stars. ( ) 2. HAS beat BIG because Daming was chosen for the team last time. ( ) 3. Tony has played three matches against HAS this year. ( ),T,F,T,Read the conversation and mark T or F.,Task 2,Complete the sentences,1 Tony looks tired because _. 2 Betty has seen HAS play this season, and she thinks _. 3 Tony hopes BIG will _. 4 Betty and Lingling say that HAS will win because they want Tony to _.,try harder to win,he is training for the big match next week,itll be a difficult match,win,Task 3,Complete the passage with the words in the box.,If Bettys (1)_ is correct, HAS won the last match. BIG did not play very well because Daming was left out of the team, and it was a bad (2)_. The coming match will start at(3)_ next,memory,decision,noon,decision kick mad memory noon seats,Task 4,Saturday, so if Betty and Lingling want to watch the match and have good (4)_, they had better get there by 11:30. Lingling tells Tony he should not (5)_ the ball, but throw it. Tony is so (6)_ at Betty and Lingling that he will try harder to win.,seats,kick,mad,Language points,1. Who are you playing against? against 意为“与对抗;和比赛”。 e.g. 我们班这周将和二班比赛。 Our class will play against Class Two this weekend.,2. That was a bad decision. decision 名称,表示“决定”。它的动词为decide。 make a decision 表示“做决定”。 make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth. 都表示“决定去做某事”。,e.g. I have not made a decision to travel in abroad.(同义句转换) =I have not decide to go travelling in abroad. 我还没有决定去国外旅行。,3. Hes so mad at us that hell try harder to win, just to show were wrong! be mad at sb. 表示“和某人生气”。 等于be angry with sb. e.g. She became mad at her friend when he said something to hurt her. 当她的朋友说了一些伤害她的话之 后,她和他生气了。,Pronunciation and speaking,Listen and decide which words are weak and which words are strong.,Yes, Im training for the big match next week. Its next Saturday at noon, but if you want good seats, you should come by 11:30. Hes so mad at us that he
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