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吉大20春学期新视野英语(二)在线作业一 红字部分为答案! 单选题 1.They tried to _ hard plastics for metals in manufacturing machine parts. A.replace B.substitute C.take the place of D.give way to 2.The girl found it difficult to _ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai. A.adapt B.adopt C.change D.shift 3.To be financially well _, you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young. A.away B.off C.up D.out 4.Go and fetch a chair for him, _. A.dont you B.shall you C.wont you D.will you 5.She was so angry at all _ he was doing _ she stayed up all night. A.that; that B.that; which C.what; that D.what; as 6.The 12-year-old boys goal is to specialize _ Western history in the future. A.on B.to C.in D.at 7.At first _, Manhattan seems to be a city of high-rises, blinding lights and a c razy pace. A.glare B.stare C.grace D.glance 8.The editor told them that if they could cut the story _ more than one third, he would take it. A.in B.off C.down D.across 9.Charles is fond _ driving, so Im happy just to be a passenger. A.in B.on C.to D.of 10.There used to be a shop behind the factory, _. A.didnt there B.used there C.usednt it D.didnt it 11.The river was so _ with waste from the chemical plant that people can not swim in it. A.contained B.terminated C.intimidated D.contaminated 12.Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs _ carefully in her hands. A.were held B.to be held C.held D.holding 13.Mrs. Wu told me that her sister_. A.left about two hours before B.would leave about two hours before C.has left about two hours ago D.had left about two hours before 14.No one enjoys _ at. A.laughing B.to laugh C.being laughed D.to be laughed 15.John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher, the _ is an engineer. A.later B.late C.latter D.latest 16.If you want to see the chairman of the department, youd better make an _ wi th his secretary first. A.admission B.agreemen C.appointment D.alphabet 17.The team is good, but not as good as _ A.ours B.us C.we D.ourselves 18.You _ be careful when you cross here - the traffic lights arent working. A.could B.might C.ought to D.may 19.His training _ him as a teacher of English. A.qualify B.quality C.qualifies D.quantity 20.Our company decided to _ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. A.cancel B.resist C.assume D.destroy 21.Do you know the man _? A.whom I spoke B.to who spoke C.I spoke to D.that I spoke 22.Recent events will make a significant impact _ government policy. A.to B.in C.with D.on 23.Bicycling is a good exercise; _, it doesnt pollute the air. A.however B.therefore C.moreover D.though 24.He ran _ twice from his boarding school because he couldnt put up with being limited in an institution. A.in B.over C.away D.down 25.Dont put the medicine _ childrens reach. The medicine can be very dangerous. A.within B.beyond C.without D.for
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