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1,Unit 1,Yingyi (Nancy) Yang,2,Agenda,Listening and Speaking Reading Text 1 Grammar he was here alone yesterday.,47,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,一、表示主观猜测,他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。,They cant have gone out because the lights on.,can表推测时不用于肯定句,48,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,二、表示未曾实现的能力,我本可以轻易通过考试,但我犯了太多不该犯的错误。,I could have passed my examination easily but I made too many stupid mistakes.,49,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,三、表示未曾实现的可能性,她本来可能伤得很严重。,She could have been seriously injured.,50,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,四、表示未曾实现的想法、选择,我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不向我提出?,I could have lent you the money. Why didnt you ask me?,51,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,五、表示批评或责备,你本可以早点动身的。,You could have started a little earlier.,52,Passage A,To this day. my parents wont let me forget that out of everything I could have wished to be, my five-year-old self wished to work at the local grocery store.,六、用于虚拟语气,你如早来一点,就会帮上我们了。,If you had come sooner, you could have helped us.,53,Passage A,When we are young, questions of what we want to be when we grow up are common.,小时候,我们通常会被问到长大了想干什么的问题。,She was excited by what she had seen.,Can you give us a description of what has happened?,54,Passage A,Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.,55,Passage A,Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.,v. to react to sth. that has been said or done,消防队几分钟内就对火警做出了反应。,The fire department responded to the call within minutes.,56,Passage A,Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.,adj. probably going to happen, or probably true,最有可能导致火灾的就是香烟。,The most likely cause of the fire was a cigarette.,他们可能会对他发怒。,They are likely to become angry with him.,57,Passage A,Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.,be realized, materialize,Id always dreamt of owning my own house, but I never thought it would come true.,我一直梦想有自己的房子,但是我从没有想过它会实现。,58,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,He demanded double the usual fee.,twice,他要了比平常多1倍的费用。,two times, double, as again as,59,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,The grains in the area have trebled this year.,triple; treble,今年这个地区的粮食增加了2倍。,two times, double, as again as,60,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,We have produced four-fold as many electric fans as we did last year.,基数词 + times; 基数词-fold,本年我们生产的电扇数量相当于去年的4倍。,two times, double, as again as,61,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,Asia is four times larger than Europe.,1) n times +形容词/副词的比较级+than,亚洲比欧洲大3倍。,62,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.,2) n times + as +形容词/副词的原级+as,氧原子的重量几乎是氢原子的16倍。,63,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,Shanghai is about 4 times the size of Changsha.,3) n times + the size (length, height) of ,上海大约有长沙的4倍那么大。,64,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,The steel output has increased by two times.,4) by + n times,钢产量已增加了一倍。,65,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,reduce by 3 times,4) by + n times,减少到1/3 或减少了2/3,66,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,The industrial output in our factory this year is ten times over that of 1999.,5) “倍数+upon/over”,今年我们工厂的产量是1999年的10倍。,67,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,He is five times upon your age.,5) “倍数+upon/over”,他是你年龄的5倍。,68,Passage A,When we become teens, we are asked the very same question twice as often.,当我们十几岁时,别人问我们这个问题的次数是以前的两倍。,The cotton output in the county has increased four times.,6) 增减意义的动词+倍数,The sales of TV set have risen 3.5 times.,69,Passage A,When
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