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思 考:,1、你认为产品是怎么达到消费者手中? 2、你如何理解销售渠道?,旅游产品生产出来之后,必须通过一定的市场销售渠道,在合适的时间、地点、以适当的方式将产品转移到旅游者手中,以满足消费者的需求,从而实现市场营销目标。,案例导入直销的可能性?,通用汽车公司在北美通过81OO多个独立经销商出售它的汽车。要买 下这些经销商的全部产权,即使是通用汽车公司也很难筹集到这批 现金。在某种情况下,直接营销并不可行。例如,小威廉华格利公司 (Willam Wrigley Jr)发现,在全国建立口香糖小零售店,或者挨家 挨户出售口香糖,或者邮售,都是不现实的。通过由各种独立的私有 分销机构所组成的巨大的分销网来推销口香糖,事情会容易得多。 有能力建立自己的销售渠道的生产者常能通过增加其主要业务的投资 而获得更大的利益。:结论就是现实中直销很难达到。,旅游产品销售渠道又叫分销渠道,指旅游产品在其使用权转移过程中从生产领域进入消费领域的途径。从生产端到使用端的各个环节。,各级 代理商,批发商,产品 生产端(企业、公司等),零售商,中介组织等,产品使用端(个人、组织),根据是否流通中间环节,可以将旅游产品范围直接和间接销售渠道两种,旅游企业,旅游零售商,消费者,旅游企业旅游代理商旅游批发商 旅游零售商旅游者(不断扩大市场),一级销售渠道,多级销售渠道,(二)间接销售渠道,多级多层销售渠道,旅游企业,旅游代理商,旅游批发商,旅游零售商,旅游者,旅游中间商,旅游中介机构将旅游系统中国的各种要素有机的组合成一定的旅游产品,并且进行销售。,Chapter 4 Tour Operator and Travel Agency 旅游经营商和旅游代理商,Learning objects: 学习目标,Learning objects: 学习目标,Learning objects: 学习目标,模块一:旅游经营商,1. Definition,The tour operator, also called wholesaler in some countries, mainly functions as an organizer who combines all the components of a tour to make up a holiday and sells it to the public through his own company, through retail outlets, or through approved retail travel agencies.,旅游经营商,旅游经营商又称旅游批发商,将旅行和旅游的全部要素组合在一起,形成包价旅游计划,然后通过自己的公司、其他零售渠道或者旅行代理商向旅游者出售这些报价旅游计划包。 旅游经营商能够将至少两个以上旅行或旅游要素进行组合,并整体销售给过夜停留24小时以上的旅游消费个体或群体。,2、旅游经营商的作用,旅游者,供应企业,1.帮助旅游者节省支出; 2.旅游经营商的包价旅游产品简化了旅游者的购买活动 3.降低了旅游者的购买风险,有助于上下游企业平衡供求关系,有助于提高市场的销售效率。,旅游经营商的价值,包价旅游的低廉花费与个人自助旅游的划分相比更具竞争力,旅游供应商可以针对市场的不同需求,设计多样的旅游产品,供旅游代理商和旅游者选择,因为旅游经营商可以提前给地接供应商提供未来相关信息,减小了旅游目的地的经营风险,旅游代理商仍然是旅游代理商销售旅游产品的主要渠道,美国运通,美国运通公司创建于1850年,现已成为多元化的全球旅游、财务及网络服务公司,提供签帐卡及信用卡、旅行支票、旅游、财务策划、投资产品、保险及国际银行服务等。总部设于纽约市。,三大分支机构营运:美国运通旅游有关服务,美国运通财务顾问及美国运通银行。 美国运通旅游有关服务(American Express Travel Related Services),是世界最大的旅行社之一,在全球设有1,700多个旅游办事处。向个人客户提供签帐卡,信用卡以及旅行支票,也向公司客户提供公司卡和开销管理工具,帮助这些公司在管理公干旅行、酬酢以及采购方面的开支,同时还向世界各地提供旅游及相关咨询服务。,美国运通CEO切诺特,切诺特成为美国运通公司CEO用了20年。在此期间,他曾在各高级岗位上工作,包括担任四年输气部门首席运营官。加入美国运通前,切诺 特还是贝恩公司的管理顾问,Rogers 降低旅游者的购买风险。 对供应企业:使企业在淡旺季的供求关系得到平衡。提高市场的销售效率。 More,返回,for tourists: 1.saving the expenses 2.reducing the buying risks 3.more convenient for upstream enterprises: 1.offerring the massive sources of tourists for tourism industry: 1.developing the tourism marketing 2.balancing supply and demand in tourism market,讨论:What other benefits can a tour operator provide? 1.Becase of the discount, package tour is much cheaper than “DIY tour”. 2.Aiming at the different marketing demands, tour wholesalers can offer a variety of tourism products to travel agency and tourists.,3.Tour wholesalers can reduce the destinations operating risks, by offering information to local agency in advance. 4. Although most of the tour wholesalers have their own retail outlets, travel agency is also the main marketing channel.,Tour Wholesaler Organizations,National Tour Association is the primary tour wholesaler organization in North America, which was set up in 1951,mainly consists of group tour operators, and suppliers, and other travel and tourism entities.,Tour Wholesaler Organizations,Members: Tour Operator (Buyers) 旅游经营者 Tour Suppliers (Sellers) 旅游供应商 DMO 目的地营销组织 Associates 联营公司,NTA Services: Marketing assistance 营销援助 Educational programs 教育计划 Government mental representation 政府指向性方针 Communication for its members 成员间交流互动,Tour Wholesaler Organizations,NTA is the only U.S.-based trade association to have a tour operator qualification program approved by the China National Tourism Administration. In this section of NTA Online, you can learn about Chinese leisure travel to the United States, more about the China Inbound Program, and tour operators can complete the application to participate in this special program. ,返回,Tour Wholesalers in North America, in the 1960s Tour wholesaling in the U.S. began to expand in the 1960s due to air carriers efforts to increase the increasing numbers of aircraft seats. And it has developed into one of the most important parts of the U.S. travel industry., Developing Process, in the past ten years The number of the independent tour wholesalers has grown dramatically and now there are more than 2000 wholesalers.,Tour Wholesalers in North America,It was estimated that in 1996, the tourism industry in North America created approximately $11.6 billion in U.S. dollars.,However, operations mainly are carried in the United States.,HOW,NTA Suppliers NTA Customers NTA Destinations,NTA China Inbound Program (中国旅游团赴美项目 ) NTA has taken a leading role in facilitating Chinese inbound leisure group travel to the United States by creating the China Inbound Program. In accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the United States and China Dec. 11, 2007, private sector associations can submit lists of qualified tour operators to the China National Tourism Administration. The approved list of operators must attest that these companies can ensure the highest quality visitor experience for these groups.,Tour Wholesaler Organizations,Canada Dream Travel Group Headquarters: Its head quarter is situated in Vancouver, the biggest city in west coast of Canada
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