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学 海 无 涯选词填空-填单词20题Directions:Complete each sentence using the words given below. Each word can be used only once. Change the form where necessary.fatigue strain boost inner clueillustration precision priority strategy mysteryprofessional interpretation responsible punch moanmassage suspense chorus exhaustion tournamentAfter playing football all afternoon, Philip felt complete and total1).When you get the ball, the coach declared, your2)is to score a goal!She asked the doctor to3)her right foot, which was bruised and aching.The physical and emotional4)of training for a marathon can be too much for any athlete.Kevin was embarrassed because his team placed last in the5).Many runners describe an amazing6)peace that comes with long hours running alone and in silence.Mike Tyson was a very famous boxer because he could often knock out his opponent with only one7).Stadiums filled with thousands of screaming fans are a perfect8)of why I want to be a football superstar.If you want to be rich and famous, you might want to consider becoming a(n)9)athlete.He said the team could have lasted another 15 days before10)would have begun to take a toll.Boxing is a sport that doesnt seem to have much11); two guys just hit each other until one falls down.The tournament was filled with incredible12)once the favourite team was knocked out of competition.I enjoy watching rugby but I dont understand the rules and have no13)whats happening.She let out a low14)of anguish.Rules should be very straightforward; there should be no room for15).Sheila eats an energy bar every afternoon to give her an extra16)to help her get through the day.Popular NBA players are often greeted on the court with a(n)17)of cheers and applause.Golf is a sport that focuses on technical18)rather than physical ability.To many people unfamiliar with the game, baseball is a complete19).Police believe that the same man is20)for three other murders in the area.参考答案:1)exhaustion 2)priority 3)massage 4)strain 5)tournament 6)inner 7)punch 8)illustration 9)professional 10)fatigue 11)strategy 12)suspense 13)clue 14)moan 15)interpretation 16)boost 17)chorus 18)precision 19)mystery 20)responsible 收起答案单词填空10题Directions:Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition or adverb.21)The baseball player wants to play for a different team, but he decided to wait and holdfor a better offer.参考答案:21)out 收起答案22)I once met Michael Jordan,chance, in a hotel lobby.参考答案:22)by 收起答案23)At the Olympics, we were lost in a seaspectators trying to watch the event.参考答案:23)of 收起答案24)Patty decided to do the right thing and blow the whistlethe students who were cheating.参考答案:24)on 收起答案25)About halfway through the race, my adrenaline tookand helped me keep going.参考答案:25)over 收起答案26)He was so sweaty after the game that he literally had to peelhis shirt.参考答案:26)off 收起答案27)Youve got to bearmind that hes been training for three years for this moment.参考答案:27)in 收起答案28)The basketball player had to shutall the surrounding lights and noise if he wanted to win the game.参考答案:28)out 收起答案29)Nina, as Richards coach and trainer, took the credithis victory.参考答案:29)for 收起答案30)Even though shes twice my age, I find it difficult to keepwith her.参考答案:30)up 收起答案选词填空(15选10)10题Directions:Read the following passage, and select a suitable word for each blank from the word bank. Write down the corresponding letter for each item in the blank. Each word can be used only once. A) illuminate B) incur C) vocal D) roar E) collided F) reminiscent G) random H) aloft I) soaring J) deem K) referee L) madly M) writhe N) accidentally O) teammatesHeres a good example of why ice hockey is such a dangerous sport. Hockey is one of the few team sports where fighting is literally part of the game. Indeed, the31)will often watch the players to make sure they fight fair.During an ice hockey match last year, one of the players hit the puck very hard and sent it32)all the way to the other teams net. I was too busy watching the puck fly through the air to see what happened next, but I sure heard the33)of the crowd! I looked back to the player who hit the puck, who was now34)punching another player! He even threw his face mask35)so he could see the other player better.Apparently, the two players36)ran into each other but one of them then37)into the wall. It seemed like a very38)accident, but these two players were fighting very seriousl
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