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Unit 5 Theme parks单元测试一、单项填空 1. Im sorry to have hurt you, but I didnt do it _.A. on purpose B. in common C. on occasion D. on the purpose2. More natural resources should be made good use of _ the _ need of energy.A. meeting; increasing B. to meet; increasedC. meeting; increased D. to meet; increasing3. Why were you so angry ? The shop assistant _ me too much for the book. A. cost B. charged C. required D. requested 4. It will _determination and hard work to master a foreign language. There is no doubt about it.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take 5. Can Lihua help me with my English? I regret to tell you her English is_ yours.A. as good as B. no more than C. not better than D. as much as 6.How disappointed! They have finished _ 5% of the work.A no more than B. no less than C. more than D. not less than7. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking.A. upon which to base B. which to be based onC. which to base on D. to which to be based on8. The seller would sell the skirt for 50 dollars, but the customer _ only half the price, and finally they agreed _ the price. A. supplied; on B. charged; on C. offered; with D. offered; on9. He _ to lend me his bicycle but I refused, for I didnt want to trouble him.A. failed B. offered C. considered D. insisted on10. Having _ the training of MS Company, he was _ an important position in management.A. accepted ;offered B. received ;offeredC. offered; received D. received; accepted11. The mother, along with her two daughters, _ from the sinking aircraft by a passing ship.A. have rescued B. have been rescuedC. has rescued D. has been rescued12. What about the two of us _ a walk after supper?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking13. They know the important part _ computer here. A. that; play B. which; do C. in which; play D. in that; do 14. Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A. 800-metre-long B.800-metres-long C.800 meter length D. 800 meters length 15. The new bridge _by the end of last month.A. has been designed B .had been designed C. was designed D .would be designed二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。It was a market day, so people and traffic had been pouring into the town since early morning. 16 it was an old town, even the main street was very 17 and soon became overcrowded. There was not enough 18 for all the people on the sidewalk at the roadside, 19 they overflowed into the road, 20 danger to their lives from 21 cars and buses, the drivers of 42 were constantly blowing their horns (喇叭) to23 people to get out of their 24 . Yet it was a(n) 25 scene. Peasants walked along the street, their heads piled high with baskets or beautifully woven blankets which they hoped to 26 to the townsfolk. Men with carts 27 their way along, shouting their goods at the top of their 28 . They were selling apples, oranges and grapes the 29 of their fields. 30 it all, women in bright summer clothes made their way, laughing and talking,31 children rushed in and out of the crowds screaming with laughter when they didnt ask for something they could not have, or crying with 32 because they were lost. The noise went on all day. People did not even stop for a meal, but preferred to buy bits of meat cooked over a fire or bread or ice-cream from the street sellers. The 33 from this and from all the activities of the day began to collect in the street. And finally, when night at last came, the street34 and only the rubbish 35 sadly blowing in the cooling night wind.16. A. Although B. For C. But D. As17. A. small B. crowded C. narrow D. short18. A. land B. area C. groundD. room19. A. and B. however C. orD. then20. A. havingB. causing C. throwing D. being 21. A. passingB. taking C. catchingD. driving22. A. them B. which C. whom D. that23. A. persuade B. order C. stop D. wait24. A. road B. way C. sight D. place25. A. strange B. usual C. colorful D. interesting26. A. give B. sell C. take D. send27. A. forced B. walked C. found D. took28. A. voices B. prices C. heads D. carts29. A. crops B. re
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