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阅读理解专练(五)文娱与体育(限时20分钟)A(2019届高三西安模拟)Listening to music is great for both body and mind.It can make you feel younger and help you sleep better.Although we tend to assume that classical music is the most calming, and previous scientific research has linked loud and chaotic (混乱的) music to aggression and minor offences, they have never been supported by science.In fact, quite the opposite: Listening to “extreme” music, such as heavy metal, hardcore and punk, has been found to have a calming effect on those experiencing anger, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.Specifically, the study found that extreme music characterized not only by loud and chaotic sounds, but also by lyrical themes of anxiety, depression, and isolation was quite helpful to some people.It can help those who enjoy listening to it to process negative feelings and come out on the other side to a more positive state of mind.Researchers, Genevieve Dingle, PhD, and her student, Leah Sharman, looked at 39 adults between the ages of 18 and 34.These adults were identified as fans of extreme music, and then they were subjected to 16 minutes of “anger induction” by having them to describe events that made them feel angry.That was followed by 10 minutes of either silence or extreme music selected from the participants own playlists (the participants had been randomly assigned to one or the other)As might be expected, the people reported feeling angry during anger induction and less so during the music and the silence.Those whose anger induction was followed by silence also experienced a decrease in heart rate.But those whose anger induction was followed by music reported feeling an increase in positive emotions.In fact, participants reported that they had selected music to “enhance their happiness, immerse (使沉浸于) themselves in feelings of love and enhance their wellbeing,” Sharman told the UQ News.All of the responses indicated that extreme music listeners appear to use their choice of music for positive selfregulatory purposes.Not convinced? Perhaps you should take a 30second musical breather to calm your nerves.语篇解读:人们通常认为古典音乐能够使人平静,喧闹的重金属音乐会使人有攻击性行为。然而,研究发现,重金属音乐、朋克等极端音乐可以使人更加平静。1What did the past research hold about extreme music?AIt did great harm to health.BIt led to attacking behaviors.CIt was responsible for certain murder cases.DIt was no more calming than classical music.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“and previous scientific research has linked loud and chaotic (混乱的) music to aggression and minor offences”可知,过去的科学研究把喧闹的音乐与攻击性行为及轻微犯罪联系起来。2What is “anger induction” used for?AKeeping a peaceful mind.BPreventing unhappy feelings.CProducing feelings of anger.DInspiring participants interest.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“by having them to describe events that made them feel angry”可知“愤怒感应”是指引起愤怒的事件,故选C。3What does the author indicate in the last paragraph?AListening to extreme music is worth a try.BClassical music helps overcome nervousness.CTaking deep breath in extreme music is healthy.DExtreme musics effect remains to be confirmed.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Perhaps you should take a 30second musical breather to calm your nerves.”可知,作者建议读者尝试听30秒的极端音乐来使紧张的神经平静下来。4What does the passage mainly talk about?AExtreme music listeners live more happily.BAngry people benefit most from extreme music.CListening to extreme music makes people younger.DExtreme music contributes to peoples mood adjustment.解析:选D主旨大意题。根据第一段的“Listening to extreme music .a calming effect on those experiencing anger”以及最后一段的“All of the responses indicated that extreme music listeners appear to use their choice of music for positive selfregulatory purposes.”可知听极端音乐有助于听者调整情绪。B(2019届高三名校原创预测卷一)Famous tennis coach Nick Bollettieri considered tennis star Roger Federer the greatest player of all time, saying he is “in a class of his own”. The Swiss maestro (大师) won his record eighth Wimbledon title this month, defeating Croatian Marin Cilic in the final, and going to the entire tournament without dropping a single set.The 36yearold now has 19 Grand Slam titles, the most in history for a male tennis player. Bollettieri, who has coached some of the most successful tennis players ever including Andre Agassi and Jim Courier, believes Federer stands out from the rest due to all the efforts he makes on and off the court. “When you get to know the greatest player of all time, I believe you will join with many commentators in saying Roger is standing in a class of his own,” Bollettieri told Saturday Sport. “He is magnificent (出色的) in expecting what to do. He has improved his backhand and also he is hitting the ball much earlier, and he is one of, if not the best placement server in the game.”His management team headed by Tony Godsick takes care of his mind and body, time with his family, time with his foundation and time with rest. He also respects the game and his opponent
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