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Family,Unit 4,Learning Objectives,Communication Skills,Communication Skills,Amy,Bill,Mike,Julie,Mike,Julie,Communication Skills,Communication Skills,Following is the script of the video clip: Surprise Amy:Hey, Bill. Are you free today? We could go out and do something. Bill:Uh, I already have plans. Amy:Maybe we could do something tonight. Bill:UmI think Ill be too worn-out by tonight. Maybe another time. Amy:Yeahsure. Hey, Mike! Are you free today? Mike: UhThis afternoon?! UhNo! I have to wash my hairI mean, my car. Amy:Well, if youre busy this afternoon, then how about this evening? We could grab a film, or get some dinner. Mike: UmIm afraid Im going to be busy all evening. How about a rain check? Amy:Yeah Julie! Everyone is so busy. Do you have free time?,Communication Skills,Julie:UhNah. I have a zillion things to do. Im all booked up. Amy:All day? We could get tea late this afternoon. Julie:Um, Ill still be downtown running errands. Amy:This evening, then. This evening it is. Eight oclock. Julie:Sorry, Amy! I have a study group tonight. Amy:I tell you what. If you cancel your plans, Ill treat you to dinner tonight. Julie:No can do, Amy. People are depending on me. Bill: OK, shes gone. Boy, wont Amy be surprised when she discovers were planning a surprise party for her tonight! Mike: Yeah, well jump out and yell, “Surprise!” Julie: Yeah. She has no idea. She thinks were all really busy. Amy: Ha! I knew they were planning a surprise party for me! Busyyeah, right!,Communication Skills,Listening Strategy,$18.19,$3.84,$12.56,$2.50,$8.14,Listening Strategy,Following is the script of Grocery Shopping: Grocery Shopping Man: Hey. Can you give me a hand with the groceries? And I told you I could do the shopping. Woman: Wow! Do we really need all this stuff? Let me see that receipt. Man: Hey, I only bought the essentials. Woman: Okay. Lets see. Dog food. Twenty-four dollars and seventy cents? We dont even have a dog! Man: Well, it WAS going to be a surprise, but look in the back of the truck. Woman: What? Man: Ah, ha, hah. Speechless. I knew youd love him. Woman: That thing? That dogs as big as a horse. He probably eats like one, too. Man: Ah, but hes sure friendly. And someone was giving him away at the supermarket, and III couldnt let that poor thing pass another day without a loving home.,Listening Strategy,Woman: Whatever. Where was I? Eighteen dollars and nineteen cents for twenty-four cans of tomato juice? You dont even like that stuff! Man: Ahhhh. Not yet. Ive decided to change my eating habits. Woman: Right. Man: Youll see, youll see. Woman: Okay. Lets see. Three eighty-four for a box of chocolate cookies and twelve fifty-six for a case of soft drinks. Man: Yeah! Woman: Changing your eating habits, huh? Do you really think that cookies are some type of diet food? Man: Hey, Ill just eat a cookie or two every other hour. In fact, theyre a great source of carbohydrates for energy. And, you see, the tomato juice and cookies kind of, you know, cancel each other out.,Theme-related Activities,Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching at their highest level. Start noticing your own habitual reactions. When you automatically react with anger and stress, with frustration and patience, you are creating an atmosphere in your home that undermines family power and therefore drains the family of family power. So keep in mind that you cant really help yourself or any member of your family in any more important way than by relating consistently in a loving harmonious way with your family under all circumstances. And the bigger the trials, the bigger your challenges in life, the more you need to relate with your family in a loving way that supports family harmony even when it seems to be producing no results. Because it is that you are planting a seed, a seed that will bear fruit, the fruit of more family harmony and more family power that supports each and every member of your family into soaring success.,Theme-related Activities,Theme-related Activities,Theme-related Activities,Following is the script of the video clip: Father of the Bride Daughter: Jeffey, I dont know. Dad: You dont want to see Paul Simon? Daughter: No, I do. Mum: What is it? Is something going on? Daughter: Yes, yeah, it is. Mom, uh, God, this is a hard thing to tell parents, especially when they are my parents. Oh, God. Dad: Honey, just say it, whats the big deal? Son: Yeah. Daughter: Okay. I met somebody in Rome. Um, he is an American. Uh, hes from L.A., actually, and, um, his names Bryan Machenzie. And he is this completely wonderful, wonderful, amazing man, and, well, we, we started seeing each other a lot, and, um, we fell in love. It actually happened. And, um, weve decided to get married which means that Im engaged. Im engaged! Im getting married. Son: Congratulations!,Theme-related Activities,Daughter: Thank you. Mum: Well, my, my, oh, so. oh, my, and
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