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电气工程及其自动化专业英语Specialized English for Electrical Engineering Its Automation戴文进 编著,Introduction 1 Importance 2 Purpose Train students comprehension and application ability to specialized English; 掌握专业阅读必需的专业术语、基本技能和知识,从而能够以英语为工具获取最新的专业科技知识、情报资料( intelligence data )和其他与专业有关的信息。 Positively take part in international interflow of science and technology.,3 The definition of specialized English English can be divided into two classes, namely: common English or general or ordinary English and English for Science and Technology -EST(科技英语) 专业英语是结合各自专业的科技英语,它具有很强的专业性,与专业内容相互一致,也是以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的,也应遵循科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法。,词汇的特点,英语词汇是英语语言发展过程中的产物,是组成英语语言的、有意义的最小单元。 在专业英语中,专业词汇出现的频率相对比较低,出现频率最高的还是一些常用的功能词,如动词、形容词和介词等。 另外,专业词汇的词义普遍比较单一,词汇中前缀和后缀出现的频率很高,缩略语使用的比较多。,词汇的分类( lexical classification) 1 技术词汇(special technical words )-某个专业所特有的词汇,如diode, substation,autotransformer,superconductivity. 2 次技术词汇(special sub-technical words ) -很多专业和学科所共有的词汇,却有不同的意义。 power(幂或乘方/动力、功率/电力、电源和电能) bus(公共汽车/母线), condenser(冷凝器/调相机), power plant(动力装置/发电厂). 3 非技术词汇(non-technical words ):在非专业英语中使用较少 ,但实际上却属于非专业英语的词汇。 Application, implementation,词汇的构成( words constitution),专业词汇构成的特征(1)有50%以上的专业词汇来 自外来语;(2)广泛地使用构词法;(3)常用词汇专业化. 1合成法( composition) horsepower, push-pull, power utilization 2 转换法(conversion) contrast; increase; close 3 派生法(derivation) 由前缀(prefix)+词根+后缀(suffix)构成。 Circumspect(小心的); voltage; contradict(反驳); decameter(十米); decimeter(分米); energetic; carefully; mystify; hectowatt(百瓦特). 4缩略法(shortening),缩略法(shortening),1 节略词(clipped words) ad; fig; exam; lab; maths 2 缩略词(acronyms ):某些词的词头字母所组成。 laser-light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Radar-radio detecting and ranging(描准) modem- modulator demodulator SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis)电路仿真分析程序 TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language CMOS, MOSFET,RAM 3首字词(initials):每个实词只取第一个字母。 DC: direct current, CD: compact disc, VLSIC, ID EDA: electronics design automation, CB, PCB.RMS, HVDC,缩略法(shortening),4 缩写词(abbreviation) Appx. (appendix); Fig. (figure); Amp. (amplifier) 5混合法( blending) motel-motorist hotel, 汽车旅馆 positron-positive electron.正电子 6 字母外形法(letter symbolizing) X-ray, U-shaped magnet, H-frame structure, Y-connection 7 人名法(name naming) Ohms law欧姆定律;Volt-伏特;Watt-瓦特.,语法特点,汉语的语法准则是达意,强调意合,语法特点注重“时 间顺序”; 英语的语法准则是完形,强调形合,语法特点注重“空 间顺序”,以谓语动词为核心,用各种形式的短语或从 句构筑句子框架,讲究空间层次。 Specialized English must have characteristics of objectivity, accuracy and conciseness.,广泛地使用被动语态“行为、活动、过程、作用、事实和方法”等重要信息作为主语并位于句首,位置鲜明、突出。,Other characteristic, such as frequency, wave shape, and phase balance are seldom recognized by the consumers, but are given constant attention by electric power utility engineers. 其它方面的特性,如频率,电压波形,各相平衡等很少 为用户所意识到,却正是电力工程师们所密切关注的. 所有及物动词都可用于被动语态中,某些不及物动 词与介词构成动词短语后也可用于被动语态中。,广泛地使用非谓语动词,Purpose: conciseness 1 动名词:用动名词短语来取代时间从句或简化时间陈述句. When it is forward biased (when being forward biased), the diode begins to conduct with only a small forward voltage across it. 二极管正偏时,只要在其两端加上一个小的正电压它就会导通 2 分词 :被动(主动)语态关系从句用过去(现在)分词短 语来代替。 A three-phase circuit ,as ( it was ) pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single circuits. The transistor (which is )working with correct polarities can work as an amplifier. 3 不定式:表目的和功能等从句可用不定式短语来代替 The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.,省略句使用多,1出现在并列复合句中的省略,后面分句与前面分句相同的部分可省略. The earth attracts the moon and the moon the earth. 2 某些状语从句中的省略. If (it is) possible, the open-loop control approach should be used in this system. 常用的省略形式: As already discussed, as indicated (shown) in fig.1, as previously mentioned, if so ,when needed, where feasible, where possible. 3 共用介宾的省略 It is necessary to find out the current through ( this R )and the voltage across this R. 4 由hence (or thus)引出的句子可省去谓语动词. Transistor in the figure has its semiconductor materials arranged p-n-p, hence the name pnp transistor.,4 it句型和祈使句使用多 It is very important (possible, natural, inevitable- It is clear (obvious)- 5 复杂长句多 No so much limitation is placed on AC motor; here the only requirement is relative motion, and since a stationary armature and rotating field system have numerous advantages, this arrangement is a standard practice for all synchronous motor rated above a few kilovolt-amperes. 6 后置的形容词短语作定语多 The instrument present included some digital ones relative to DSP.(到场的仪器还有一些与DSP有关的数字仪器),翻译的基本方式及选择,1 翻译的基本方式 翻译的基本方式有直译、意译、音译和阐译四种。 (1)直译:既忠实于原文的内容,又忠实于原文的形式 的翻译方式。但直译不是望文生义。 This machine is the last word in technical skill. 这台机器在技术上达到领先水平. (2) 意译:只忠实于原文的内容,不拘泥于原文的形式的一 种翻译方式. 也就是说,当原文与译文在神似与形式似不能 统一时,只能重神似而不重形式似了.但不能意译过头.,(3)音译:在译文中按与原文相同的发音组词造句. motor, radar, laser, model, microphone (4) 阐译:用解释性的语言来表达译文的一种翻译方式.主 要用于在两种语言之间无完全对应的事物,但又不能简单用 音译来翻译的情况下. 如,英语中有summing settings,但汉语中无相应的说法,只 能译成:夏季野游时的一套物件,包括大遮阳伞、野餐工具和 游泳蛙掌等等。 如,翻译气功时,用Qigong ,a system of deep and rhythmical breathing exercises.,2 翻译方式的选择原则 直译为主,意译为辅,其余为补。,英汉语言之对比,1 共同点:均具有人类语言的共同特征;语言符合人类 逻辑思维的自然顺序。即句子结构: 简单句:主语+谓语+宾语 复杂句:增加说明语,即定语和状语(可
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