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1 江苏省木渎高级中学江苏省木渎高级中学 2017 届高三英语练习届高三英语练习三三 一单项填空一单项填空 1. Everything in my life has fallen to pieces. My life is such a mess! _. I know how you feel. A. By no means B. I cant agree more C. Ive been there D. I cant find any reasons 2. People sometimes think that shy people are cold and uninterested in other people _ actually they are just afraid to meet them. A. sinceB. unlessC. whenD. until 3. Jack, to his _, refused to get involved although his friends insisted on his trying the drug. A. preference B. surpriseC. credit D. opinion 4. I wanted to _ them the trouble of buying me a present. So I didnt tell them about my birthday party. A. dismiss B. spare C. remove D. submit 5. Mom told him he was forbidden to watch TV for a month. _, he stormed out of the room. A. In responseB. In turnC. In returnD. In advance 6. The hotel was terrible, and not at all what we _ to expect in the advertisement. A. had led B. had been led C. had been leading D. would be led 7. In some countries, many students participate in various programs, _ they learn about the sense of responsibility by volunteering their services. A. which B. whenC. whereD. that 8. I dont know how he made his money _. I only know now he is really rich. A. steadily B. originally C. apparently D. permanently 9. Easy as the problem is _, Im still worried about _ another breakdown. A. worked out; there isB. to work out; there being C. working out; it isD. to be worked out; it being 10. That night, trapped alone in the mountain, she felt cold, hungry and scared. She _. A. should have cried B. might cry C. would cry D. could have cried 11. I will go to the party if I dont have to dress up. Well, actually, it doesnt matter _ youre dressed. A. whatB. whetherC. how D. when 12. He hadnt been asked to the party and was feeling very _. A. turned downB. broken down C. stressed out D. left out 13. _, the house isnt big enough, though you can get a good view of the park. A. Above all B. On the contrary C. To be honest D. Generally speaking 14. The carbon content of steel largely determines its usefulness for _ applications. A. typical B. tough C. fantastic D. specific 15. Linda apologized to me yesterday. Impossible! _. I know what kind of person she is. A. I wasnt born yesterday B. Good for you C. You can never tell D. Thats for sure 二完形填空二完形填空 At noon today I said goodbye to New York forever, thus joining that growing group of people who, for one reason or another, have decided the city is no longer to our liking. 2 A lot of literature has been written on this 16 the disappointed New Yorkerand Ive read much of it, but none of the cases seem to fit 17 my feelings about the city. I dont hate New York; there is really nothing there to hate and 18 very little to love. It is a city of indifference, and thats the problem. I found I could only 19 indifference in return. A few days ago in Central Park I saw a man leaning on a litter can drinking a carton of orange juice, and when he finished he tossed the container not in the can but on the 20 . I dont understand this, but there is a lot about New York I dont understand. 21 I dont understand why the city has no soul. Vienna almost suffocates the citizens with care, Paris manages to inspire 22 own with a sense of their fulfillment; but New Yorks key 23 is that it doesnt really care about anything. I recall, 24 , the New Years Eve when, after a dinner party, a friend of mine went down to the street to get a taxicab and the cab turned too sharply 25 hit him. His wife and I took him in the cab to Lenox Hill Hospital, and while we were trying to get emergency 26 for him, the cabdriver was 27 at us for the fare. Such things may happen in other large cities, and undoubtedly 28 , but they reflect a lack of caring, a sickness in the 29 that I find difficult to forgive and impossible to 30 . And so I come to the bottom line. I dont want to live in a city where a woman 31 for a lost dog and receives dozens of telephone calls from a variety of people saying they are torturing the animal and will continue to do so 32 she pays large sums of money; or in a city where I am 33 I must always have a $10 in my wallet for a possible robber because without that I will surely be stabbed; or in a city where my mailman leaves a note in my box at Christmas 34 the size of the tip he expects. Above all, I want to get away from the indifference of New York. I want to care and it may sound 35 be cared about. 16. A. field B. subject C. issue D. question 17. A. closely B. precisely C. perfectlyD. naturally 18. A. certainly B. exactly C. hopefully D. totally 19. A. showB. offer C. give D. seek 20. A. chairB. groundC. table D. tree 21. A. Mainly B. GenerallyC. Relatively D. Luckily 22. A. his B. theirC.
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