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夏普夏普 GP2Y1010AU0F_粉尘传感器参考程序粉尘传感器参考程序 简介: Sharps GP2Y1010AU0F 是一款光学空气质量传感器,设计用来感应空 气中的尘埃粒子,其内部对角安放着红外线发光二极管和光电晶体管, 使得其能够探测到空气中尘埃反射光, 即使非常细小的如烟草烟雾颗粒 也能够被检测到,通常在空气净化系统中应用。 该传感器具有非常低的电流消耗(最大 20mA,典型值 11mA),可使用 高达 7VDC。该传感器输出为模拟电压,其值与粉尘浓度成正比。 可测量0.8微米以上的微笑粒子,感知烟草产生的咽气和花粉,房屋粉尘 等.体积小,重量轻,便于安装,广泛应用于空气清新机,换气空调,换气 扇等产品. 灵敏度: 0.5V/0.1mg/m3 尺寸:尺寸: 46.0 30.0 17.6 mm) Do not miss the 150ohm resistor and a 220uF capacitorDo not miss the 150ohm resistor and a 220uF capacitor Sensor PinArduino Pin 1Vled5V (150ohm resistor) 2LED-GNDGND 3LEDDigital pin 2 4S-GNDGND 5VoAnalog pin 0 6Vcc5V The LED pin has to be modulated with a cycle of 1ms as discussed in the datasheet. The LED seems to use a PNP transistor so to power on, the LED pin must actually recieve a lower voltage. 例程; int dustPin=0; int dustVal=0; int ledPower=2; int delayTime=280; int delayTime2=40; float offTime=9680; void setup() Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ledPower,OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); void loop() / ledPower is any digital pin on the arduino connected to Pin 3 on the sensor digitalWrite(ledPower,LOW); / power on the LED delayMicroseconds(delayTime); dustVal=analogRead(dustPin); / read the dust value via pin 5 on the sensor delayMicroseconds(delayTime2); digitalWrite(ledPower,HIGH); / turn the LED off delayMicroseconds(offTime); delay(3000); Serial.println(dustVal);
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