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电子商务英语20秋期末考核-00001试卷总分:100 得分:70一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.the main advantage of the electronic exchange of information between individual companies that are linked along the supply chian is ()A.speedB.accuracyC.securityD.improved speed and accuracy答案:D2.() is part of the shift of technology into mainstream business and everyday life.A.Mobile commerceB.Computer developmentC.Software businessD.Hardware business答案:A3.?The () plays its role in connecting Internet and proprietary network of banks.A.payment gatewayB.softwareC.intranetD.firewall答案:A4.The new logistics strategy requires the support of the relevant ( ),for computer provides brand new manners to process the traditional task.A.firewallB.logistic softwareC.ERPD.supply-chain答案:B5.Firewalls appear primarily in two flavors: application level gateways and ()A.intranetB.extranetC.softwareD.proxy servers答案:D6.A search engine reads its () of sites and site information around the world for particular items searched on by users.A.webpageB.databaseC.attachmentD.password答案:B7.() describes the way in which government purchases goods and services through electronic media such as Internet.A.autionerB.government to businessC.broadcasterD.banner ads答案:B8.The operation of the Web relies primarily on hypertext as its means of() .A.access of internetB.information retrievalC.image deliveryD.home page答案:B9.Each user of E-mail has a()to which messages are sent.A.email identityB.mailboxC.attachmentD.password答案:B10.Manufacturer model is also called ()A.a direct modelB.e-tailerC.catalog merchantD.Bit vendor答案:A11.The movement of goods and services on a timely basis is critical for successful delivery,accurate produciton scheduling and ()A.effective inventory managementB.effective internet browseC.quality of productsD.personnel management答案:A12.The Web is a large system of () that offers many kinds of information to anyone on the Internet or to a lesser extent on an inter-/intra-network.A.HttpB.telnetC.serversD.modems答案:C13.If you need to access information and know where it is on the web, you only need enter the entire www address into your browsers ().A.addressB.computerC.httpD.Unifrom Resource Loactor field答案:D14.On the Internet, a?()?is a site that consists of links to other websites.A.passwordB.systemC.portalD.strategy答案:C15.()is a point of entry to the web, usually a search engine that includes diversified content or services.A.portalB.classifiedsC.paid placementD.contextual advertising答案:A16.()involves holesalers and retailers of goods and services.A.utility modelB.auction modelC.subscription modelD.Merchant Model答案:D17.() facilitates transactions between buyer and sellers by providing comprehensive information and ancillary services, but does not get involved in the actual exchange of goods or services between the parties.A.utility modelB.incentive marketing modelC.subscription modelD.Metamediary Model答案:D18.The supply chain is the flow of () and services from one business to another.A.moneyB.intermediate goodsC.ECD.TPN答案:B19.()is a network of networks that is contained within a company or enterprise.A.extranetB.intranetC.portalD.HTTP答案:B20.() refers to the universal code now attached to most goods, final and intermediate that identifies the particular product and its manufacturer.A.EDIB.supply chainBar codingC.patent答案:C二、多选题 (共 5 道试题,共 10 分)21.Internet is a network of interconnected networks. This network has ()A.peopleB.computersC.a informationD.software答案:ABC22.all EC sites rest on the same().A.network structureB.communication protocolsC.Web standardsD.security systems答案:ABCD23.Getting to a U.S. site from outside this country is quite ()A.transparentB.instantaneousC.complicatedD.accurate答案:AB24.Industries affect by M-commerce()A.financial servicesB.telecommunicaitonsC.retailD.information services答案:ABCD25.Members of Internet-based supply chains will need to evaluate their () and employ () and other electronic security tools to protect confidential data.A.security needsB.encryption technologiesC.patentD.firework答案:AB三、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)26.Metamediary model can facilitate transactions between buyer and sellers, and it get involved in the actual exchange of goods or services between the parties.答案:错误27.The Web site can be promoted expensively throughout the world with links on other Web pages and in E-mail newsletters.答案:错误28.Mobile commerce is any transaction, involving the transfer of partnership or rights to use goods and services答案:错误29.B2B electonic commerce implies that the buyers are individual consumers.答案:错误30.incentive market provides suggestion for customers for making purchas
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