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Module 9 Unit1 We laughed a lot.,do-,are-,eat-,drink-,meet-,go-,dance-,wear-,tell-,laugh-,We are great !,did,danced,ate,drank,met,laughed,were,wore,told,went,ma n,men,woman,women,child,children,There are two _. There are two _ . There are two _.,children,men,women,show 节目,an intersrting show,Its a funny show.,interesting,laugh a lot,Here is a letter(信) from Lingling. Last week, Lingling was very happy. She laughed a lot. Lets look at the text.,1,Where did Lingling go? 2,Where did Lingling go after the show?,1.Where did Lingling go last week? A childrens cinema.,B. A childrens threatre,theatre,Childrens theatre,2,Where did Lingling go after the show?,A. She went home.,B. She went to a restaurant.,resaurant,Listen again 1,What did the men and women do?,2,What did the actors tell?,1,What did the men and women do?,2, What did the actors do?,The actors told lots of jokes.,Read and match,Last week we went. lots of jokes. Women wore to a childrens theatre. The actors told mens clothes. After the show we went hamburgers and chips. We all ate to a restaurant. It was funny.,Last week the children _to the childrens theatre .The men_ womens clothes. The women _mens clothes. The actors _lots of jokes. It _very funny. The children_ a lot. After the show, they _to a restaurant. They all_ hamburgers and chips. They _ very happy.,went,wore,wore,told,was,laughed,went,ate,were,1、 I _(wear, wore) a new T-shirt Yesterday. 2、There were many _ (woman, women) in the park.,wore,women,A: what did he do last night? B: He _,played football .,A :what did he do last week? B : He _,played basketball,Remember the happiness of yesterday Laugh off the worries of it. 记住昨日的幸福 笑过烦恼,Thank you !,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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